Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The previous evening, Annie had dragged Sam away from Luigi's, before he got to the point of being unable to leave without assistance. Annie hadn't seen Sam that pissed before, his mood changes, and peculiar behaviour were as normal though. Annie gave Sam a prod, to wake him, offering him a coffee. Sam had slept in the armchair, and it wasn't the most comfortable, especially the solid wooden arms.
"What was wrong with you last night Sam? I've not seen you like that before" asked Annie. Sam was trying to get the feeling back into his left arm, and the stiffness out of his neck, he sat up, started to sip at the coffee.
"I just thought, I thought, not sure what I thought. Don't know what I'm thinking anymore" Sam rubbed his eyes.
"Here we go again Sam, riddles" Annie started to get upset. Nothing about Sam was ever simple it seemed.
"I just thought the Guv was making a play for you" Once the words had left his lips, Sam was regretting it, he knew it was stupid thing to say.
"Now you're being bloody ridiculous Sam, more ridiculous than normal. Don't think I can cope with this" Annie started crying.
"Come here, I'm sorry" Sam held Annie tight in his arms, resting his head on her shoulder, taking in the intoxicating smell of her, and her hair. Then Sam held her at arms length, looked deep into her tearful eyes, and repeated
"I'm sorry" Sam paused "Nothing feels right down here"
"I know" replied Annie
"You know?" Sam sounded shocked.
"Down here makes me feel unsettled, it doesn't feel right somehow" Annie looked away.
"You too? I thought coming back was the right thing to do, but I feel something, or someone, is calling me elsewhere"
"That's how I feel Sam too, I love you, want to be with you, but I'm not sure it's here. Does that make sense?" Annie now looked longingly into Sam's eyes.
"Now you're sounding as mad as me" Sam laughed, making Annie break into a coy grin.
"Did you just say, you love me?" It dawned on Sam, his heart now pounding, racing, thundering in his chest.
"I think so" Annie grinned cheekily, her heart racing too..
"Marry me" Sam blurted out like an excited child.
"Marry you?" Annie questioned, wanting to sit down, as her legs suddenly felt like jelly.
"Yes" Sam's heart, and head were about to explode with too many emotions to cope with.
"Ok then, I had hoped for a romantic proposal on one knee, but... " Annie was interrupted by several loud thuds on the bedsit door.
"Come on you 2, bloody work to do. I know you've got Tyler in there as hostage Annie, just broken door down on his flat, and he ain't there. Shift yourselves even if you're are shagging. Now!" the Guv growled at them through the door, then heading down the stairs to wait in the Cortina. Sam and Annie looked at each other, starting to laugh. The Guv's timing was always impeccable.

The Guv sat waiting, reving the Cortina's trusty engine.
"Morning you 2, a good night boss?" Carling cheekily asked, as Tyler sat in passenger seat. Annie had to join Ray, and Chris in the back, both with laddish grins.
"What was wrong with you last night Sammy boy?" the Guv asked, as he slammed his foot on the accelerator, lurching the Cortina into action, almost before Sam had shut the passenger door.
"Nothing, forget it Guv, just the move" Sam looked out of the passenger window, realising Annie had just said she'd marry him. Trying desperately to contain himself, and not tell everyone. His heart was dancing, along with the butterflies in his stomach.
"Blimey Cartwright you're grinning like a pussy, who's just had the cream. I thought I'd interrupted you, but looks like Sammy boy finished the job" Guv looked over his shoulder, joining Carling and Skelton in disgustingly filthy laughs. Annie tried not to blush.
"Just shut up Guv, do you really have to, and keep your eyes on the bloody road. You're not above the law, if you run someone over" Sam barked.
"Wot you talking about Tyler, I am the bloody law, you nancy pouf" the Guv laughed, and suddenly things were back to normal. The banter had returned..
"Where we heading Guv?" Carling asked.
"Thought no one was ever going to ask, Arthur Laytons" Guv smiled.

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