Chapter 7

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Everyone was feeling fragile after the previous night at Luigi's, and exhausted from the previous day's ordeal. The Guv was already working on nursing his hangover, and removing the accumulated stubble. The battery razor was huge improvement on the cutthroat in speed, but not in efficiency. Most of the Guv's belongings seemed to be in his office now, he was married to the job, that was obvious to many. Fewer hours were being spent in his flat, and sleep was over rated. 
"Alright Guv?" Carling entered Hunt's office. 
"Yes Raymondo, what can I do you for?" Hunt enquired 
"Morgan is kicking up a stink. Wants be released now" 
"Oh does he indeed?.... well let me think, he was found at Layton's where one of our Officers was being held hostage. He's been seen regularly at Layton's who is linked to drugs. We have photos to prove it. Morgan has no record of this on any Police Daily Sheets. He pulled a gun on one of my officers, and not for the first time. We'll question him first. Get Viv bring him up. His brief maybe delayed. Want Tyler in on this one too" 
"Yes Guv" Carling was looking forward to this. He'd not forgotten how Morgan set them all up. Tried bringing down the Guv, and the team.
"Tyler... you ok to sit in on this one?" Hunt bellowed from his office. Sam nodded, looking far worse than Annie after her ordeal. Sam hadn't slept much. The alcohol had numbed the hurt he was feeling, but not stopped the nightmares. Annie looked across to Sam, who looked away. They both felt, and knew deep down the kidnap, and aftermath was to change everything for them all. 

"I'll see you regret this until your dying day Hunt" Morgan said through clenched teeth, as Carling pushed him, cuffed, into the Interview room. Hunt stood with his chest pushed out, just inches from Morgan, eye to eye. 
"You're dead to me anyway Morgan. One more bastard bent Copper for the scrap heap. My only regret, it's taken so long to get you here... now SIT down" Hunt barking the last words. 
"And as for you Tyler you're finished." Morgan slyly looked Tyler's way. Tyler lunged for Morgan, Carling restrained him by placing hand on his shoulder.
"Don't give him the satisfaction Boss" Tyler sat back down. Carling felt Tyler was a loose cannon, acting totally out of character for him, and could easily jeopardize everything, usually it was the Guv,  so it did make a change. 
"And as for me what Morgan? I'm not the one that left a whole team of officers to die, at the hands of a cop killer, after promising back up. I'm not the one that pointed a gun at another officers head" 
"Well actually... " Hunt interrupted, remembering back to Vic Tyler. 
"Shut up Guv" Tyler barked. Hunt looked at Carling, smirking. Tyler was finally stepping up to the mark in the Guv's eyes. Gene really wanted Sam to stay in his world, but his instincts were telling him this was no longer possible, it was just a matter of time now. 
"You have nothing on me Hunt" Morgan stated with evil confidence.
"Photos from surveillance of you meeting Layton regularly, a local fence,  drug dealer, no records on your daily sheets" Hunt threw envelope across the table Morgan's way.
"Files of cases where you were arresting officer, and the likes of Warren, escaping prosecution. Warren's transfer arranged by you, the transfer where Warren escaped custody" Hunt threw several files at Morgan. Morgan glared with hate at Hunt. 
"Pulling a gun yesterday on officers, when you had been informed we were police, now that's a bloody strange thing to do if you're not guilty. Being present where an officer of mine was held against her will, shall I go on?" Hunt asked, with sour sarcasm. 
"Don't bother Hunt, we both know none of this will stick. I will see you brought to your knees eventually Hunt. If I don't, others will follow me, who will. You'll remember this day. As for you Tyler, you could of worked with me. This world could of been all yours, working alongside me" Morgan looked at Tyler, with hatred in his eyes. Tyler leapt up, out of his seat, pushing the table over, lunging for Morgan, delivering a swift, solid blow to Morgan's chin, which sent Morgan over backwards in his chair. The Guv grabbed Tyler.
"Enough. Our job is done here Tyler, your job is done, and you've done it well" Hunt nodded to Tyler. 
"Carling, pick up the bent bastard Copper, take him down." Hunt smugly looked at Morgan. Carling picked up Morgan, pushed him towards the door.
"Hold on Carling" Hunt faced up to Morgan, delivering swift well placed blow to Morgan's ribs. Morgan dropped to his knees.  Hunt towered over Morgan, filling the interview room with his presence. 
"Now who's on his knees.... Gene Hunt 1 : Morgan Bent Bastard 0 : Final score.... get rid of him Raymondo" Hunt turned to Tyler, they both knowingly smiled, a good result for them both. 
"Carling, Layton next" Hunt shouted after Ray.
"Yes Guv, my pleasure" Carling grinned. 

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