Chapter 9 - Sam and Annie return home

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The office was strangely quiet. Everyone with their own thoughts. No one had been home. No one had slept. The smog that filled the air showed how many cigarettes had been smoked to calm the nerves. The two empty Single Malt bottles hadn't helped make anything clearer either. The police Divers had found nothing. No sign of Sam or Annie, no clothes, no bodies. And where was the Guv? No radio communication since he'd left the scene of the accident. All police forces were on lookout for the Cortina. It, and the Guv had just disappeared. Nothing made any sense, to anyone. 

"We should be getting back to Manchester" Litton broke the silence. 
"Hunt requested the film of the accident scene. I've put it on his desk" Bevan added
"When did you go in the Guv's office? Who did you ask?" Carling snapped, standing up, knocking his chair backwards. He was irritated, tired. No one had any right to go in the Guv's office. 
"I don't need to bloody ask anyone" Bevan snapped back. Carling stepped towards Bevan. Litton stood up, walking towards Carling. Getting between him and Bevan..
"Ray, it's ok. Bevan meant nothing by going in Hunt's office. No harm done. We are as worried as you. Keep us updated with any news, however small" 
Litton understood what Hunt meant to Carling. The Guv's office was sacred to them all. Although Litton and Hunt had many differences. Litton wouldn't admit it, but he was worried too. 
Carling nodded, but had no intention of passing on anything. He didn't trust anyone at the moment. Bevan was last one to see the Guv, his Guv. Did Bevan have something to do with his Guv's disappearance? This rattled round Carling's head. Litton and Bevan left, leaving just Carling, Skelton, and Terry in the office. 
"What if the Guv's dead too?" Chris blurted out, almost in tears. 
"No one is dead!" Carling stated. But Chris had said what they all were thinking. Viv entered the office, slowly pushing open the swing door. Hoping to see the Guv sat in his office. Sam and Annie at their desks. 
"Any contact with the Guv? There's no sign of the Cortina." Viv asked wearily, sitting down, shattered. He'd not slept either. He was supposed to keep Super Mac updated with news, whatever time of the night or morning, but there wasn't any. Nothing... 
"Why the hell couldn't Tyler just wait? Not followed the blaggers. We all know the safest place to be is beside the Guv" Carling slammed his first on the desk, with some force. Making them all jump. His frustration obvious. 
"We can't just sit here, and wait. Terry keep trying to get the Guv on the radio. Come on Christopher, we'll go drive around a bit. Guv's old haunts. Back to the canal too." 

It seemed a lifetime before the Guv told Sam, and Annie they could move from their uncomfortable positions on the back seat, and sit up. The Cortina slowed to a stop, and stalled. She'd done her last journey. 
"Where are we?" Annie asked shivering. Sam took off his jacket, putting it round her shoulders. Holding her close, he could feel her trembling. Sam gave her a tender kiss on her cheek. Ran his hand through her hair, brushing it off her face. They could both see a pub in the distance, which neither recognised.
"Pub!" Guv turned round looking at them both. They both looked tired, and pale. Even the Lion was finding it hard to hold his emotions back. This was it. The end of the line for two people he loved very much. Even picky picky Sam he'd come to respect, and cherish as a good friend. Sam had taught him so much. Annie had totally surprised him, by being everything a CID officer should be, and a female! 
"This isn't our Railway Arms though" As Sam spoke, Nelson appeared outside the door to the pub, beckoning to them. Sam and Annie looked on in shock, but felt comforted by the sight of Nelson. There were two "pubs"! Two Railway Arms... 
"Come on, time for a pint" Guv got out of the Cortina, opening the back door for Annie to get out, followed by Sam. Nelson looked on smiling. He was pleased to see Mon Brave. Glad Sam and Annie would soon be together forever. 
"Come here" the Guv gestured towards Annie. The Guv wrapped his strong arms round Annie, rested his chin on her head. He could feel her sobbing. His heart was breaking too, but he had to be strong for them both. Annie held her Guv so tight. Somehow she felt comforted. The Guv knew this is why he existed in this strange world. It never got easier. Sam watched Annie and the Guv, realising what a mountain the Guv was. Just his being made everything all right. Sam's mind was racing, all the memories flooding back. The times the Guv had saved him, argued with him, beaten him up, but above all, always been there when really needed. Annie stepped back from the hug, looked at her Guv. 
"I'm so sorry, I'd... I'd brought you a present for.... well for... but I lost it, back of the Granada" Annie tried speaking while trying to compose herself. The Guv lent into the Cortina, pulling a bag from the passenger seat. Annie beamed on recognising it. 
"That's it!" Annie exclaimed. 
"You best open it Guv" Sam grinned. The Guv opened the bag, pulling out a long dark wool coat. Black collar, and with the belt flowing as he tried it on, it fitted perfectly. The Guv's whole demeanour changed before them. He stood tall. His chest pushed out. His shoulders broader. The sad emotions went from his face. The ice blue eyes slightly damp, but smiling. He nodded in appreciation. 
"Thank you. Definite improvement on that old Camel!" The Guv smiled, kissed Annie on the cheek. Sam walked up to the Guv offering his hand. They both shook hands strongly, fondly, then hugged, taking them both by surprise. The Guv didn't do man hugs, did he!
"You will always be my Guv, you know that don't you?" Sam stated, holding back tears of relief, and sadness. His time in Gene's world was finally coming to an end. It felt the right time now. Sam felt tired. Felt he had no more to give. And knew deep down someone else would soon take his place, which was the strangest of feelings.
"You take care of each other. Go..." Guv said quietly, nodding. 
"Come on Mon Brave, I've just put new barrel on" Nelson opened the door to the pub. An eerie light shone out. A comforting light. 
"Nice to see you Nelson. How's the beer?" The Guv asked
"Still the same" Nelson replied.
"Shame!" The Guv exclaimed, laughing. 
"Not joining us Guv?" Annie asked.
"Not this time Annie. Now Go... " The Guv watched Sam take Annie's hand, walk towards Nelson, and the open door. They both looked back to see their Guv standing tall, proud, brave as a Lion, watching them go..... Then the Guv was on his own... again. He looked skywards, the piercing blue eyes moist, the strong jaw tight, clenched, holding back the emotions flowing through his very soul. 

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