Chapter 5 Sam and Annie's Wedding

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Sam and Annie were lying contently, in Annie's single bed, looking at the ceiling, side by side, hand in hand. It was cramped, but neither cared. Sam hadn't seen the inside of his new London abode, since they arrived, and had no intention of, even though the door had been replaced, after the Guv kicked it in. Both of them had never been so happy, no more nightmares for Sam. No more worries for Annie, that Sam was going completely insane. And today Annie would become Mrs Tyler. 
"Sam?" Annie enquired in that way that Sam instantly knew Annie wanted something, something he may not entirely agree with. Sam layed on his side. Rested his elbow on the pillow. His head resting on his hand, looking at Annie, his heart pounding, as it always did when he looked at her.
"Go on" Sam replied, watching Annie chew her bottom lip, head tilted slightly, other signs Sam wasn't going to like this.
"Could we umm?" Annie looked away slightly, she knew what Sam's reaction would be, but she had to ask.
"You're starting to sound like Chris, spit it out" Sam smirked, they both laughed, breaking some of the tension.
"Could we ask the Guv to come to the wedding" Annie blurted out, saying it so fast. Somehow hoping Sam would just agree, if not hearing all of it. Sam turned on to his back, staring at the ceiling again. It seemed like an eternity to Annie, before he replied. 
"You are kidding, he'll just take it over. He'll ruin it. Our day Annie. It's our day" Sam sounded slightly angry, he wanted today just him, and Annie. 
"He won't. It obvious he's realised what we're doing today. I think he'd be really hurt if we didn't at least ask him. I want him to be there, if he wants to come"
"The Guv hurt, nothing hurts the Guv, except getting a round of drinks in" Sam replied sarcastically.
"Oh, and being proved wrong, that really hurts" Sam added with some feeling. 
"We're a team Sam, we all look out for each other, the Guv, is well, our Guv. I want him there" Annie started to get upset, even she hadn't realised how much it meant to her, having the Guv at her wedding, it felt like the Guv was a replacement for her Dad. Sam turned to look at Annie. He could hear her voice breaking, and she was starting to tremble. There were tears in her eyes. Sam realised this wasn't a flippant question, it really did matter to Annie. Sam put his hand on Annie's face, kissed her on the cheek.
"This really means a lot?" Sam whispered. Annie just nodded, biting her lip, knowing if she tried to speak, she'd cry. Sam knew he wouldn't win this one, and the more he thought about it, the more it did seem sort of right that the Gene was part of their big day. He was huge part of both of their lives, and it obviously meant so much to Annie. Sam couldn't cope with seeing Annie hurt, or upset.. Sam just hoped the Guv would behave himself, but he knew deep down, the day would be interesting, to say the least, if it included Gene Hunt.
"We'll call into the station on way up to Manchester" Part of Sam hoping, the Guv may not even be there. 

Arriving at the police station, they parked behind the Cortina. Sam really fancied taking that to Manchester, wondering if the Guv didn't want to come, then maybe...
Carling collared them both, soon as they entered the office.
"Thought you two were off today" Carling sneered, chewing his gum frantically, hiding his porn mag under some files.
"We are" Sam retorted, not wanting to chat, holding Annie's hand tightly. Sam could see the Guv sat in his office, his coat on. It wasn't that cold. Already a sharpener in the glass in front of him. That made Sam have second thoughts. But turning to look at Annie, her smile changed all that. Sam and Annie walked into the Guv's office. Before either of them could say anything, the Guv leapt to his feet, finishing the Scotch in one swift movement.
"Thought you'd never ask, what kept you? I'll drive... Where we going?" Gene almost child like in his excitement. Sam and Annie just looked at each other, and laughed. That said it all, and why the Guv had to be part of their day. 
"Right you bunch of girls, I'm out for the day. Carling you're in charge, God help us" Guv growled as he strode out of the office, Cortina keys in hand. Ray, Chris, and Terry looked at each other, what was going on. Well at least we get to go in the Cortina, Sam thought, and being honest with himself, he was happy to sit in the back, the Guv as chauffeur, even though he was probably over the limit already. The Cortina tyres squealed in delight. Manchester the next stop. 

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