Chapter 6

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It had taken everyone couple of days to recuperate from Sam, and Annie's wedding. The reception went on till the early hours, with the Guv disappearing at one point, with Jackie Queen, which surprised no one. The Guv had pretended not to notice when she came into the pub, but it was obvious to the others, the glances, the Guv's cheeky grin, and his disappearance shortly after Jackie left. Ray had got off with an extremely chatty, giggly female. Friend of Robbo's, and many other local punters! Chris and Terry, just got seriously wrecked, put the world to rights, and crashed out where they were sat in the bar. Sam and Annie spent their first night as Mr and Mrs Tyler in a cosy four poster bed, in the attic of the pub. It was definite improvement on the single bed of Annie's back at the bedsit. They'd never felt so contented. As weddings, and receptions go, it was a good one...

The team were already in the office when Hunt strode in. Looking, it has to be said, slightly rough. With at least a day's stubble in place. 
"Blimey Guv, we thought you'd been taken hostage, good couple nights then, and days?" Carling laughed, smirking. 
"Carling, shut it" Hunt growled. They all looked at each other. Jackie Queen had definitely given the Guv a beating, and not with her fists! 
"Anyone anything to report?" Hunt entering his office went to take his Camel Coat off
"Oh bugger!" Realising he didn't even have it on. 
"Left my bloody coat behind" Hunt said under his breath, but not quiet enough
"That's not all by looks of it" Carling chuckled, chewing his gum frantically.
"Raymondo I will put your balls in a vice, if I hear another word from you" Hunt roared.
"Sorry Guv" Carling went back to his paperwork. Sending sly grin Terry's way, who smirked.
"I'm just popping out" Annie whispered to Sam. The Guv leaving his coat behind, had reminded her of the present she'd bought her Guv. 
"Won't be long" Annie smiled at Sam. That smile made everything seem right in Sam's world. 

"Right team, what have we got on Warren, Neary. Anything new?" Guv enquired. Feeling slightly better after a large hair of the dog. 
"We've checked out most of their local connections. Mainly drugs, gambling dens, but for some reason, everything comes back round to Layton" Terry responded. 
"Layton?" The Guv questioned.
"He's a small time fence... or is he?" Hunt pondered. 
"Where's Annie, Sam? Need some surveillance set up"
"Just popped out" 
"On her own. No one JUST pops out Sam without my say so, got it?" Hunt barked.
"But it's for.... " 
"I don't bloody care, what it's for" Hunt interrupted Sam, snapping his head off. Sam stood up, to confront Hunt, his chair crashing to the ground, just as Hunt's phone rang. Hunt entered his office, picked up the receiver, and just stood listening. The colour draining from his face. Anger building in his eyes, his hand tightened round the phone. Hunt slammed the receiver down, then throwing the whole phone across his office. Everyone in the office watched Hunt, as he kicked seven bells out of the filing cabinet.
"Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks" Hunt turned around to see his team all looking at him. How could he tell them? How could he tell Tyler? Cartwright was one of their own, and he suddenly felt he'd let her down. What was he, if he couldn't protect his own? He slowly sat down at his desk, poured a bastard large Scotch, and called Tyler into his office. The others all looked at each other, something felt wrong, very wrong, they all knew it.

"Shut the door Tyler" Hunt offered him a Scotch.
"Bit early Guv, are you ok?" Sam enquired, feeling uneasy.
"Take it Sam, you'll need it" Now Sam felt really worried. He took a slug of the Scotch, it burned as it slowly went down. 
"They've taken Annie" Hunt looked at his desk, unable to make eye contact with Tyler. Sam just went numb, he couldn't answer. So much was running round his head, flash backs. Was it happening again. First Maya, now Annie? 
"NOOOOO!" Sam shouted, throwing the Scotch glass at the wall with so much force, it surprised himself, and Hunt. The others in the main office were realising something bad was going down, and felt they were on the outside.
"Who? Where? Why?" Sam was desperately trying to get his thoughts together.
"They didn't say. We just have to wait" Hunt still avoided any eye contact with Tyler.
"Wait for what, until they say she's dead? We can't sit here doing nothing" Sam was starting to panic. Praying it wasn't Warren that had Annie. Memories of Joni were flashing back. Sam knew what Warren was capable of. Hunt too. 
"They won't kill her Sam" Hunt reading Sam thoughts.
"They need Annie to bargain with. This is one time we can't go blundering in" Hunt knew who they were, what they wanted, but he couldn't tell Sam yet, he needed time to think. Telling Sam would really freak him out, and Hunt knew Sam would do what they wanted instantly. Hunt had to protect them both, but how? For once all guns blazing was not the answer. Hunt needed Sam's lead on this, but knew Sam was too emotionally involved to think clearly. Hunt had to be the calming force this time. 
"Think we need to tell the others, but it stays amongst us for now. We'll handle this our way. We WILL get Annie back Sam. Trust the Gene Genie" 

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