Chapter 10 - A new era approaches

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The Guv sat in his office, pondering over an early morning Scotch. Running his index finger round the rim of the crystal glass. His piercing ice blue eyes far away. This was becoming a habit. Hunt would never admit it, but he did miss Tyler not being around. He could be damn annoying at times, but had become a good friend. A couple of months had passed. The black armbands had gone. The tributes had been written. Jackie Queen had even done a write up in the Manchester Gazette. Which was now on the Guv's office wall. A reminder Tyler had actually existed. There wasn't a day that went past when Hunt didn't see Sam, and Annie walking into the Railway Arms, with Nelson at their side. There had been many recruits before, but these two had touched Hunt more than the others. It got harder every time. Was it time Hunt hung up his boots? Why was he still here? Was there more work to be done? It did feel his task was yet to be completed. 
     The main CID office still wasn't the same without Sam, and Annie. But slowly it was returning to normal. They were both noted as 'missing presumed dead'. The case had gone cold. No leads whatsoever. Nothing found in the river. Car had been recovered, and except for the back window shot out, there were no clues as to how, or why it ended up in the river. The Guv hadn't pushed for more investigation. 
Super Mac strode into the office, looking his usual suave self. Tailored suit. Dark hair swept back. Carling nodded, acknowledging Mac. The Guv had noticed this between them. His instinct telling him something didn't add up, but couldn't figure out why what ever it was, felt wrong.
"Scotch sir?" Hunt offered, and stood up, as Mac walked into his office.
"Yes please Gene" Mac shut the door behind him.
"Couple of things" Mac paused, took sip of Scotch. Gesturing Hunt to sit down, Mac sat on the edge of the desk.
"This Wendy Gorman case Carling has been working on needs to be dropped now. It's going no where. Unfortunate as it is, shocking case, but just wasting an officers time" Mac looked straight at Hunt. This wasn't a request. Hunt nodded. Unhappy with the decision. Hunt wasn't going to file it away for good. Gut instinct told him otherwise. 
"Another DI will be joining you soon. No date yet. Alex Drake. Please give them your usual welcome Gene" Mac finished his Scotch. Hunt smiled remembering Tyler's first day. Hunt did like making sure the new recruits knew their exact place. Drake would be no different. Or would they! Mac left Hunt's office, stopping to talk to Carling on the way out. Both looking back to Hunt's office. What was it with these two, Hunt thought, it bothered him. Again Carling had been overlooked for promotion, but did seem well in with Mac. It definitely didnt add up. 

Carling knocked on the Guv's door, entering the office.
"Yes?" Hunt growled, slightly more that he meant to.
"You're not gonna like this Guv" Carling taken aback by Hunt's mood, but it had been this way since Tyler's disappearance. Hunt wouldn't talk about it, not even to Carling. All the others had discussed it, had put it to rest as such, but not Hunt. 
"Go on, spit it out." Hunt wondering, what now. 
"Layton's out" Carling waited for the roar.
"You're joking me! How the hell?" Hunt shook his head. Dismayed.
"The bloody Prices! They put in appeal. Been accepted" Carling couldn't believe it either. 
"Why do we bloody bother. For Christ's sake." Hunt exclaimed. Hunt then pondered.
"Well, it's quiet. I feel a welcoming committee coming on. Shall we Raymondo?" Hunt stood up, grabbing his coat. This visit was for Annie. Carling nodded. Even he felt it maybe bit too soon for a business call to Layton's. But could see the Guv's hackles were up, and some intimidation could be fun. 
"Come on Christopher. Play time! Let's fire up the quattro!" The Guv exclaimed, striding purposely out the office. Black coat flying behind him like the super hero he was... 

All three of them piled into the Audi quattro. They had loved the Cortina, but the Audi was a stunning lady, red, sleek, sexy. Her tyres squealed in delight as Hunt floored the accelerator.
"All hail the mighty quattro" Chris grinned in the back. This was more like it. Ray chewed his gum frantically. The Guv raised his eyebrows, and did handbrake turn into the road leading to Layton's lock up. Everything was returning back to normal. 

Hunt pulled up almost outside entrance to Layton's. They could see him chatting to a well dressed man. Bespoke tailored suit. Crisp white shirt. Stocky. Red curly hair. A City man. Not the usual sort to hang around the lock ups. 
"Interesting. Let's just sit here a while" Hunt turned round to Carling. One thing Tyler had taught his Guv, surveillance often reaped rewards. Nothing changed hands. Disappointing the interested onlookers. The City gent left, glancing at Hunt as he walked past the quattro. A spark of recognition from somewhere deep in Hunt's subconscious. It would come to him. 
"Come on. Let's go and renew our acquaintance" Hunt stated with anticipation. He was out of the quattro, and in Layton's face before Carling had freed Skelton from the back of the quattro. It took practice! Carling and Skelton arrived to see Hunt pinning Layton to the shutters on the lock up. Layton already had cut above his right eye. This was personal. 
"All yours Carling" Hunt again rammed Layton's back hard against the shutters. Layton slid slowly down the shutters. Hunt turned his back, and walked away. Wiping the blood off the knuckles of his black gloves. That felt better, lot better. Tyler suddenly rattled through Hunt's head, with that disapproving look that Tyler had. Hunt had a dark side, a very dark side, but a conscience too. Sometimes. The two often disagreed. Carling just left Layton where he was, without laying a hand on him. Layton was spent. Carling and Skelton looked at each other. Sometimes their Guv was extremely close to 'the line'. They both knew it. 

Hunt and Carling got back into the quattro. Leaving Skelton outside, stranded. The quattro only had 2 doors, and Hunt did not move for anyone. 
"Oh you bloody Div Chris. Get in here" Carling climbing out, pulling the back of passenger seat forward. Chris climbed in.
"What now Guv?" Chris asked, hoping. 
"Pub! I need a drink" Guv answered. Carling and Skelton grinned at each other. Their day was done. And now to get pissed. 

"Good afternoon Mr Hunt. You are early today" That always worried Luigi. The earlier CID turned up, the more trouble there usually was. 
"Drinks all round. Pint and whisky chaser for me Luigi. Need to use the flat. Ok?" Before Luigi could answer Hunt was already up the stairs. Hunt washed his face. Lent on the sink, looked in the mirror. Tyler was looking back. 
"I did it for Annie, for God's sake" Hunt shouted. Kicking the cupboard so hard his foot went through the door. All this was heard downstairs by Carling and Skelton, who were sat on table near bottom of the stairs. Hunt sat on the sofa. Head in his hands. The burden of being the only one that knew where Sam and Annie really were, was starting to get to Hunt. But he knew another recruit was arriving soon. Time to move on. More work was to be done. There was a knock on the door.
"Guv, you ok?" Carling asked tentatively.
"Who are you. Fucking Marjorie Proops. I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute" the Guv roared at Carling. Skelton heard the reply, and chuckled.
"Told you not go up there Raymondo. Think you're lucky to still have your head attached" They both laughed. The Guv was fine, his usual charming self. 

"Mr Hunt phone call" Luigi shouted over, as Hunt came down the stairs. 
"How many bloody times Luigi. I do not take calls when I'm drinking" Hunt snarled.
"It is Viv. He say it is very important. And something about, Mac is shouting, rather loudly, for you" Luigi tried to explain, not wanting the messenger to be shot..
"Oh jeeze. Give it here" Hunt snatched the receiver. 
"Yes Viv!" Hunt snapped.
"Sorry Guv. Mac been shouting for you. There's big drugs raid on a party boat, on the river. Plod have already been sent in. Mac needed you to head it up. He's really not happy" Viv went on.
"Something to do with a banker called Markham" 
"Banker?" Guv enquired
"Yes with a B Guv!" Viv had to smile. Even when the shit hit the fan, the Guv always had sense of humour. 
"Ok we're on our way. Give me the details when I'm in the quattro" Hunt handed back the receiver. Sunk the Single Malt sat on the bar in one. 
"Come on ladies, our day hasn't finished. Drugs raid on the river" 
"Oh great" Raymondo finished his pint. Followed the Guv up the exit stairs. Chris hot on his heels. 

Viv gave Hunt all the details as the quattro hurtled down to the river. Just missing any pedestrians unfortunate enough to be crossing the road, or cars on any corners where handbrake turns were executed. Carling and Skelton loved the excitement of the Guv in flight mode, but it definitely was squeaky bum time on occasions. Viv tipped them off. Markham had come off the boat, and was at the back of the wasteland near the docks. As the quattro squealed round the gravel track Hunt spotted two figures, a bloke, and a bird. Carling, and Skelton spotted them too
"Oh look who it is" Hunt exclaimed. Spotting the City gent from Layton's.
"Bloody Nora, look at the legs on that tom. They go right up to....!" Carling exclaimed. 
"Is that a bloody belt or a skirt" Chris chuckled. 
Hunt just stated
"I would..." The quattro slid to a halt. The Guv stepped out. Oh those boots.... 

And that's that for "Changes". Taking you right into the first episode of Ashes... Hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I did writing it...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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