Chapter 8

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Annie stormed past the Guv, as Hunt came through the main office doors. Heading a different direction.
"Lover's tiff?" Hunt grinned.
"They've been at it all bloody morning Guv." Carling snapped, getting fed up with the constant bickering between Cartwright, and Tyler. 
"Tyler, my office... now!" Hunt growled. Hunt's grin changing to a scowl. Sam looked awful. He'd not slept at all the previous night. Sam felt everything was falling apart. His nightmares returning. But this time, about crossing that very thin line. The one he'd spent his time in Gene's world trying to stop others crossing. The one he had crossed in anger. On seeing Annie hurt, and frightened, Sam couldn't help himself, but there was now a price to pay. 

Tyler closed Gene's office door behind him. Hunt took one look at him. 
"Christ Tyler, you look bloody dreadful. What's wrong with you? Scotch?" Tyler nodded. Not something Tyler would do normally at 11 am, but nothing was normal anymore. Tyler sat down, and proceeded to sink the Scotch in one. 
"I'm leaving, I mean we're leaving. I've crossed that line Guv. I can't cope with that. It's tearing me, and Annie apart" Tyler looked at his glass, unable to look at the Guv. Tyler waited for the roar from Hunt. There was silence. Hunt took huge slug of Scotch, topped his own glass up again.
"I know, I know. I said I'd sort it, and I have"
"You can't sort this Guv, it's in my head. Day and night" Hunt watched Tyler, falling apart. Wondering how long before he did something really stupid. 
"I have been waiting for this. Your time is done here Tyler. It's time you went home"
"Home? Home? I don't bloody know what home is, where it is. But I do know, it's not here anymore. I came back here because... because... it felt right" Tyler's voice faltered. 
"Weren't we the lucky ones eh? You know... we know... you can not stay here forever. You came back, for that soppy plonk Cartwright. Now it's time for you to both go home, together. I can help" Tyler slowly raised his head, looking at Hunt. Hunt's piercing blue eyes burning into Tyler's thoughts.
"You can help? Now you're really bloody freaking me out Guv. Last time I went back...." 
Hunt interrupted Tyler.
"This is different Sam. It'll be 3 mates going to the pub, that's all. No railway tunnels. No dramatics. Just a pint" 
"I don't understand" Tyler put his head in his hands. Hunt stood up, walked round the desk. Placed his hand on Tyler's trembling shoulder. 
"You will. Go find Cartwright. I have job for you both. Just leave the rest to me. Trust the Gene Genie" Tyler did suddenly feel as ease, the Guv had always covered his back, in the Guv's own way mind you. Tyler trusted the Guv would do what he said, get Sam and Annie back home together, forever.

Sam found Annie in the canteen. It was obvious she'd been crying, but tried to hide it.
"Are you ok? Guv has a job for us." Tyler wanted to say more, but didn't know where to start, how to start.
"I'm ok. Let's not keep the Guv waiting then" Annie grinned, biting her bottom lip. Sam's eyes told her everything was going to be alright. For some reason he looked different. At peace. Where he'd not been for a while. 

"Right Tyler, Cartwright, I need some surveillance on Jewellery Shop, Canal Road. Snout tells me something going down, when a large shipment arrives, but no times, date yet. Got it? Ok?" Hunt looked at Tyler, who nodded, with a grin. 
"Off you go then, mush!" Hunt almost shoving them out of the office. He had thinking to do. 

Hunt walked into his office. Slamming the door shut behind him with the kick of his heel. Carling, Chris and Terry all looked at each other. What with Tyler, and Cartwright snipping at each other all morning. Something was now obviously bothering Hunt. The atmosphere was thicker than the cigarette smoke. Hunt poured another large Single Malt, sat down, put his feet on the desk. The cowboy boots instantly reminding him of Sam and Annie's wedding. Hunt knew then, their time in his world was coming to an end. If Hunt was honest, he really couldn't contemplate letting them go. But knew he had to. How would Hunt explain it to the others? He wasn't losing Carling, and Skelton too. Hunt had started to forget everything again, the way he liked it. In one mouthful the Scotch went down Hunt's throat, burning, calming, and finally kicking Hunt out of his memories. There was work to do, there always was in Gene's world. 

ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora