Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Guv woke up, still dressed, wondering exactly where he was, looking around him, some of last night started to revisit his brain. There was a man in his head with a hammer, and the taste of a badgers arse in his mouth. Sam, Ray and Chris had crashed out downstairs, much to Luigi's annoyance, many Italian incoherent mutterings were heard.
"Down here is not Bed and Breakfast. I go upstairs shoot myself I think, because I have no restaurant tomorrow if this goes on"
"It's just tonight Luigi we promise" Raymondo tried hard to look sincere, the others expecting his nose to grow. The Guv had made sure Cartwright spent the night upstairs in the flat, she was only a plonk, but he felt she needed to be protected from the likes of a pissed Raymondo, the dancing antics, and spewing up of Skelton, and a much in love Tyler. That's what the Guv did, protect folk.

Luigi was handing out coffees, dressed in nothing more than a dressing gown, as Annie and the Guv came down the stairs from the flat.
"Oi, oi" Carling shouted, and chuckled
"Don't you even dare go there Raymondo, bum conkers and vice come to mind"
"Sorry Guv" Ray knew he'd overstepped the mark, but he did notice Tyler looked slightly jealous, which even Sam himself knew was just ridiculous.
"Right listen up everyone" the Guv held court.
"We're meeting Superintendent Mackintosh at the station this morning. Super Mac they call him with good reason. He's arranged for us to form this new division. I have huge respect for this man, and I expect same from all of you, got it?"
"Yes Guv" they all replied. Ray had heard a lot about Super Mac, was looking forward to meeting him, and after Harry Woolfe the Guv needed a boss he could trust. The Guv had taken long time to recover from the betrayal of his mentor, although he'd never admit it.
"We'll be back later Luigi" Guv smiled cheekily.
"I shall look forward to that" Luigi rolled his eyes with "just great" muttered under his breath, in broad Italian accent.

They all arrived at the station wishing maybe they'd freshened up a bit, except the Guv who only wished he'd had a sly hair of the dog, and Annie who always looked amazing in Sam's eyes, and had sneaked in a shower before the Guv had woken. The Metropolitan police station looked lot newer than Manchester, and smelt less CID, less sweat, fags, and Scotch. That could soon be changed Gene thought. Gene knocked on Super Macs door.
"Come" they all followed their Guv into the office. They were greeted by a well dressed man of stature, good looks, and obviously principles, with a tone in his voice that would calm any stressful situation, and probably get a few women into his bed.
"Welcome Gene, Scotch?"
"Thought you'd never ask" Gene took the Scotch, downed it in one. Mac shook the others hands in turn.
"Carling, Tyler, Skelton, glad to have you on board, and..."
"Cartwright Sir, Annie" Annie offered her hand.
"Just joined CID, we needed some eye candy" Guv smiled cheekily. Annie scowled, but knew the Guv would take no notice.
"Yes of course, no problem with that Gene. Always good to have a female or 2 about" Mac smiled charmingly, handed out Scotches all round, topping up Hunts.
"Welcome aboard everyone, and here's to a new CID division at the Met" they all raised their glasses.
"I'll get the Skip to show you to your office, get you settled in. Gene can I have a word before you go?" There was knock on the door. A tall well built black lad with tight curly dark hair entered the office, right on cue. Mac introduced everyone. Skip shaking their hands.
"It'll take me while to get used to your names, you lot all look alike" the Skip smiled, laughed, instantly Hunt knew he'd like this lad. Carling wasn't so sure, a black Copper, whatever next. Sam's memories went back to Glen Fletcher his mentor, he'd paved the way for coloured officers to be accepted. Chris took a while to get the joke, and laughed after everyone else, which just made the others laugh even more. The new team was coming together, bonds forming.

The others followed the Skip out of the office, Hunt shutting the door behind them.
"Good to have you on board Gene" topping up Hunts glass again.
"Looking forward to working with you Sir, you wanted a word"
"Do you remember Stephen Warren?" Mac enquired
"Wendy Warren, uphill gardener, fudge packer, oh yes" Hunt acknowledged, and grinned. Mac laughed at Hunts no punches pulled description.
"Escaped jail couple of days ago, during a transfer. Snouts tell me heading to London. Thought you'd definitely be interested, especially as rumour has it he's out for revenge"
"Definitely then, our first collar, or body on the slab. Look forward to renewing our acquaintance with the bent bastard" Hunt sunk the Scotch.
"I'll brief the team, need your snouts info"
"Skip will give you everything you need. Thanks Gene, and again welcome on board"

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