Chapter 5

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3 Months later...

0600, Monday


Shouted the instructor

The Soon-to-be hunters gathered in the courtyard below Having passed the '3 months of hell' as the Instructors called it They were assigned their first mission or 'Graduating mission' as the Instructors would call it...

In the briefing room...

Instructor:"Alright this is Gamma Team, Right?"

Darius:"Affirmative Sir!"

The instructor pressed something on his Clip board and a Hologram of The Mantle Continent appeared in the middle of the room.

Instructor:"Well then, here's the mission, Gamma Team  has to carry plans to one of our Forward Operating bases in Anima, You'll be dropped off, Here."

The instructor pointed to a spot in the shores of Anima on the hologram.

Instructor:"Where you will continue further inland, into Bandit and Grimm controlled territory, Also please don't die, We don't want Bandits running around the Countryside with high tech weaponry or Our weapons in the black market."

Edward Smith A Banished from atlas said

Edward:"What will be the contents in these plans sir?"

Instructor:"Well, its Top Secret plans for Approved Prototype weapons. Now I'm going to assign The Platoon C.O and Second in Command.
Platoon Commander: Darius Persian S-Never mind
Second in Command:Edward Smith.
Extraction will be where you inserted, Good Luck."

Alissa (A member of Gamma Team):"Uhh sir how will we be inserted?"

Instructor:"It's for your Commander to decide, Dismissed!"

The Instructor said before walking out the door.


Well,It has been a shit day for The Cheaters, in other words Normal, The Usual Death Stares, A really long essay on why all of them should commit suicide, Death Threats, Some people from the Porn Industry trying to recruit them into porn and Most of all Depression and Insane amounts of Regret. They've barely eaten, Their Grades went down and according to the Psychiatrists(or Psychologists) They are not combat ready.

Ozpin decided to cut them some slack and made sure their grades weren't going to go down any lower.

They mainly had nightmares, and woke up in tears thanks to regret.

They were prescribed anti-depressants, just to keep them going everyday, They missed Alex, In fact they remembered why they dated him in the first place... He was Supportive, Went out of his way to help them in any way, kind and many others I'm not bothered to write down.

Weiss:"How did come to this?"


Weiss:"We used to be three of the most respected teams in Beacon, Now fellow students look at us like how we look at trash."

Yang:"We've been in situations like these before, we always bounce back but we can't, why?"

Blake:"That's because Alex was always there for us..."
She stopped

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