Resurrection/Remnants Antidote Story Arc!

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Hello everybody! If you don't know already I created a remastered version of my first story I ever wrote on Wattpad "I Awaken". It's called "Resurrection" a darker and more Grimm (no pun intended) story. But what if I told you... it was a multiple story series!!! That's right baby it is! Resurrection unlike I awaken has a continuation of stories to follow after the end of it. The series is called "Remnants Antidote" and ALL five chapters have been fully released already. Don't miss the grand finale of The Resurrection story arc, plus there might be an epilogue with a trailer hinting at a much grander project in the works...but who knows. I love each and every one of you all and once again thank you all for the loyal support you've shown to my stories, and I hope you all enjoy The Resurrection/Remnants antidote story arc.

I Awaken! Cheater rwby x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now