Chapter 5

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Mattia was in his bed staring at the ceiling. He couldn't fall asleep due to the heat of the room on the summer night, it didn't help that he didn't have a fan and the open window wasn't cooling the room off.

A ding from his phone caused the boy to groan and roll over, but once he realized who the notification was from the boy felt giddy with excitement.


Hey, are you still up?


Yeah, why you still up shorty? Don't they got a bed time on the north side?


Hahaha so funny. Wanna call? I can't sleep.

Mattia called the boy and nervously waited for him to pick up.

"H-hello?" Mattia's breathe hitched slightly as he heard the small boy's voice through the phone.

"Hey, shorty." Mattia kept his usual smug attitude but on the inside he was freaking out. Why did he think Kairi's voice was cute? That's fucking weird.

"Why do you always call me shorty?" Kairi whined through the speaker on Mattia's phone.

Mattia let out a loud laugh at the boy's complaint. "Because you're short. What do you want me to call you? Kai?"

"Shorty is fine." Kairi whispered, making Mattia chuckle.

"What was that, Kairi? I couldn't hear you." Mattia let a smirk form on his lips as he waited for the boy to respond.

"I-i said shorty is fine." On the other side of the phone Kairi had a deep blush gracing his cheeks that he was glad the other boy couldn't see.

"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? It's supposed to be pretty nice and me and Alvaro were already thinking to hang out." Mattia smiled as he listened to the boy talk.

"Sure, shorty. I'll ask Ale if he wants to come too. Meet you at the lamp post?" Kairi could feel his heartbeat pick up as he heard the same old nickname come through the phone.

"Y-yeah." Mattia smiled hearing him stutter.

"Okay. Good night, shorty."

"Night, Tia." Tia? That's new...


"Hey, shorty." Mattia was leaned against the lamp post, typical jean outfit on but with his jacket in his hand.

"H-hey, Tia. Why aren't you wearing your jacket?" Kairi tilted his head in confusion.

"North side." Kairi realized and let out a small 'oh' before smiling at him.

"Well let's go."

"Hi, Kairi." Alejandro said, completely ignored by the smaller when he originally walked up.

"Oh, hi Alejandro, sorry I didn't see you." Alejandro laughed at the boy and patted his shoulder before he and Mattia followed the short boy.

"I hope you guys like where we hang out although it's a little childish." Kairi nervously laughed as he led the two boys to his backyard and past his fence into a small wooded area.

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