Chapter 6

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"Hey, shorty. Ready to go to the drive in?" Mattia asked the short boy who was wearing his jacket and blushing from the warm summer air.

"Yeah." Kairi smiled up at the taller boy , running a hand through his slightly damp hair. He cringed and wiped his hand off on his- Mattia's- his? Jacket.

"You wiped you're sweat on my jacket?!" Mattia yelled and playfully tackled the boy.

Kairi laid on the ground underneath the boy and pouted. "My jacket." Kairi whispered.

"Your jacket? Alright shorty." Mattia chuckled and wiped the boys sweaty hair out of his face.

"My jacket." Kairi smiled up at him cheekily with a small giggle escaping his lips.

"Thief." Mattia laughed and kissed the boys sweaty forehead before pulling him off of the ground.

Kairi had a deep blush painting his cheeks. "S-shut up." That caused Mattia to turn back to him quickly.

"What was that shorty?" Mattia put both hands on the boys waist and looked down at him.

"N-nothing. We should get going." Kairi pulled away and ran to hide behind Alvaro causing the other short boy to laugh at him.

"Right. Follow us boys." Mattia turned and started to walk.

"Wait!" Alejandro turned around and walked up to Alvaro. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around the boy. "You're dressed way to north side to be over here." Alvaro looked down at the jacket with a blush on his face.

"T-thanks." Alvaro looked up at the taller boy.

"Don't mention it, Varo." Alejandro smiled and turned back around.

"Actually imma walk next to Kai, you walk next to Alvaro, that way no one will question them." Mattia said and moved next to Kairi.

"We would've been fine, Tia." Kairi pouts up at him.

"I know, i just wanted to walk next to you." Mattia wraps his arm around Kairi's shoulders and they continue walking the streets of the south side.

"You know, with that sweaty mop you kinda look like you got grease in your hair." Mattia ruffled his hair.

"Ew don't touch it, it's all sweaty." Kairi looked disgusted and pushed the boys hand away causing the other boy to laugh.


"We're gonna hang out at my house until it gets dark, okay?" Mattia asked the short boy.

"Y-your house? Won't your parents-"

"I don't have any." Mattia looked away from him and kept walking.

"Oh, that's okay, I don't have a dad. And my mom is never around so...." Kairi tried to empathize with him.

"Welp you get to check out my house shorty. Hope you're hungry cause I make the best sandwiches on the south side." Mattia laughed and pulled the boy closer to him.

"Hm I dunno, guess I'll have to be the judge of that." Kairi giggled and poked Mattia's side, teasing him.

"Oh yeah?!" Mattia playfully wrestled the boy while they both laughed.
"Okay this is amazing." Kairi said with a half full mouth. Mattia laughed at the boy and continued to eat his sandwhich.

"You're the best chef in the north and south side, what the fuck?" Kairi looked at him in amazement as he ate his sandwhich.

"What can I say shorty? I'm just that good at everything." Mattia smirked and Alejandro snorted from across the table.

"Come on let's go in my room." Mattia stood up and threw the napkin his sandwhich was on in the trash.

They all did the same and followed the boy into his room. He flopped down on his bed and Alejandro sat down on his couch.

"C'mere shorty." Mattia patted the spot next to him while Alvaro sat next to the boy on the couch.

"Let's take a nap while we wait." Mattia wrapped his arms around the boy and closed his eyes.

Kairi's cheeks were a dark pink as he felt the boy cling to him, but he ignored it and hugged him back.

The two boys fell asleep almost instantly, leaving the other two to be each other's company.

"So, um..." Alvaro started but he couldn't think of anything and just sat there.

"I'm gay." Alejandro said randomly and Alvaro choked on his spit almost immediately.

"W-what?" Alvaro turned to face him.

"I. Am. Gay." Alejandro repeated slower, not looking up from his phone once.

"Oh, okay. Cool. Um, me too." Alvaro played with his fingers and looked at his lap.

"I think Mattia and Kairi like each other." Alejandro said and Alvaro couldn't help but laugh.

"They definitely do. Kairi always talks about him and when he's around it's like I don't exist!" The boy giggled again.

"Yeah same with Mattia." Alejandro let out a light chuckle.

Alejandro looked up from his poo phone and at the boy next to him. He was beautiful while he laughed.

"You're pretty." Alejandro said but he knew pretty was an understatement.

"Thank you." Alvaro slightly laughed and kept his head down to hide his blushing face.

"C'mere." Alejandro put his phone down and laid on the couch. "Lay with me."

"T-theres no space next to you." Alejandro sighed and grabbed the boys upper arm, pulling him down on top of him.

Alvaro let out a small squeak as he landed on top of the boy, but immediately melted into the hug and laid with him.

"Fuck the movie I'm going to sleep." Alejandro laughed and they both fell asleep.
"FUCK!" Kairi jumped up and grabbed his phone shaking Alvaro awake, waking up the other two boys in the process.

"Alvaro it's almost 1 am. We have to go home." Kairi rushed the boy.

"Just stay here tonight." Mattia said trying to calm the boy down.

"A-are you sure?" Kairi looked up at him, not sure if he should take the offer.

"Yeah, Ale make a bed on the floor with the extra blankets from the closet so you guys can sleep there." Alejandro nodded and went to the boys closet pulling out a few blankets.

Alvaro helped him make a small bed on the floor and they both laid down, Alejandro wrapping his arms around the boy who had a leg over his waist.

"You're fine, shorty. I'll walk you home tomorrow, okay baby?" Baby. The chills that went down Kairi's spine were indescribable.

"Y-yeah that's fine." Kairi played with the jacket on his shoulders.

"Come on, let's go to bed." Mattia made grabby hands towards the boy causing him to giggle and plop down on the bed next to him. Mattia wrapped his arms around the boy again and they went to sleep.

Kairi dreaming about them going on a real date one day, and Mattia dreaming about the same thing.


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