Rejected By My Mate, Pregnant With His Baby Chapter 5

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        The next morning, I woke up to find out Im alone in the bed. Where'd he go, my wolf asked, whimpering. I dont know, I told her, but I plan to find out.

        I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs. There he was making breakfast for himself. I must have tripped over something, because all of a sudden he whirled around. He growled at me, baring his teeth.


        "What the fuck is your problem," I asked him. "After everything that happened last night your gonna act like this," I demanded.

        "Last night was a mistake. You were just a good fuck, nothing more, nothing less," he said and my wolf whimpered. "I reject you Rosalie Anne McBride."

        I fell to my knees on the kitchen floor, my wolf whimpering.

        I whispered to her, "Shhhh... its going to be ok."

        "No its not, we're pregnant with his baby," she whispered.

        I put a hand to my mouth as her words sank in.

        Oh no, that cant be right, I thought to myself.  It couldnt have happened that fast, could it??

        He looked at me with wide eyes and asked me what I was thinking.

        "None of your goddamn business," I screamed at him. "You rejected me and now you no longer deserve the priveledge of knowing what I'm thinking."

        He looked at me and said nothing, turning around he walked out the front door and left.

        I quickly got up and ran to the window, looking out, I saw him turn around, with tears in his eyes. What? No that cant be right. Tears in his eyes??? He did this not me. Why is he the one crying?

        I quickly run outside and grab him by his hand, he slowly turns around. I smash my lips to his and kiss him with all the passion I had in me.

        I broke the kiss.

        "I reject you, whatever your name is" I said, my heart breaking as I say each and every word. My wolf was whimpering and crying, but there was no backing down now. "You are no longer allowed around here, and you will never see our baby." His eyes widen as I say the word baby. "Yes, I'm pregnant with your child. You got me pregnant last night, too bad you will never see the baby though."

        "What," he explodes. "You cant expect me to sit back and let you raise our baby alone. At least let me help you."

        "Fuck off," I said to him. "I will have and raise this baby alone, without your help. I dont need you in my life or the life of our childs. You fucked up when you rejected me. Now stay out of my way and my life."

        I turn around and go back into the house. I slam the door shut and fall to my knees, crying. That was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life.

        I jumped when I heard knocking at my door.

Rejected By My Mate, Pregnant With His Baby Book 1Where stories live. Discover now