Chapter nine

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Train thought he was dead until he heard noises. After the noises came muttering sounds. Then finally those muttering sounds began to form into words. His eyes was still closed but his ears could pick up everything that was going on around him. He heard a motor running meaning they were driving him somewhere. He figured he must be in the van because he felt cold underneath him like he was laying across the back of the van.

He was still feeling woozy but the voices were coming in clearer now. One had a deep baritone voice and the other one's voice was a little whinier like the person was younger than the baritone.

"What are we going to do with him?"

That was the younger voice talking. He seemed nervous trying to act like he had it together. Train knew the type. They are the ones that fold the fastest.

"We wait until they finish both scenes then we drop the little bitch off," that was the baritone talking.

"You sure this will stick this time," the younger voice sounded unsure about something. "I mean they say this guy is slippery than an eel when it comes to the court system. He managed to get out on a numerous murder charges and convictions laid out against him. I read his sheet. I think it would be better off if we just kill him and still use the scenes to cover the tracks. Make it look like he just took off. We still get paid and no slip ups."

"That's right, we still get paid but the job wouldn't be done," the baritone huffed. "We are getting paid to make that snot a message. He has to go to court and get convicted this time. Cop killing has no back door. You are convicted no matter what. Innocent or not. He will serve and inside whatever surprise they have for him will be the end of that. But for now, because we are getting paid to do a job and complete it right, we don't deviate from the plan."

"I still don't know what the big deal is with this guy," the younger voice seemed unimpressed about all the work being done for this one individual.

"It's not your job to know why, " the baritone informed. "I made that clear already."

Train felt something over him. He closed his eyes tighter. He felt hot breath over him. Train thought for mercenaries or whatever they were, they must couldn't afford a Tic Tac or a Certs because the person over him breath stunk like a broken septic tank. He would rather accept a bullet to the brain than to smell the man's foul odor mouth for one more minute.

Luckily the guy moved away and Train was able to enjoy clean air again. Any more longer, Train would have started coughing and gagging.

"So what do we do with him?" the younger voice started up again.

The young person's voice sounded closer meaning he was the one that was over Train. Train wanted to tell him that he didn't need to shoot anyone to murder them, his breath could give the H-bomb a run for its money.

"When we get the word, we dump him like I said," the baritone answered.


"I don't give a shit where. Where ever we are close by. You asking too many questions. Just shut up and make sure that piece of shit hasn't woke up yet."

Train felt the hot breath over him again. Train knew this man must have a hard time getting a woman, a transvestite, a small leprechaun or anybody to kiss him. Toothpaste must be against this man's religion.

"He still sleeping like a baby," the younger voice said over Train.

Train wanted to cut his nose off. He couldn't take it. This was beyond torture. No man on earth deserve this kind of punishment. Train would rather be dumped in a waste field tied down by an anchor then to have this guy talk over him.

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