Chapter ten

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 Detective Street walked up to the white van that had a huge sign that said Larry's Plumbers embedded on the side of it. He looked around as the back door of the van opened up.

Street handed a cup of coffee to the man that opened the door for him and stepped in the van. The outside of the van may have looked like a plumber's commercial van but inside was full of state of the art surveillance equipment. There was a computer, a couple of monitors, an editing machine, a voice recording machine and all types of other stuff. Street used this van plenty of times when he was on stakeouts or had to keep tabs on a drug dealer.

Street looked at the monitor that was playing now as he shut the back door behind him. The screen was showing a plainclothes cop approaching a vehicle. Street smiled. He had someone videotape the whole incident between Train and the undercover cop and he was glad he did. The tape showed the undercover smashing Train's driver side window with a gun then reaching in. The angle of the camera was only showing the back of Train's SUV so all Street saw was the undercover reaching in with the gun, moving around a bit then moving back away from the vehicle. Then the undercover fell to the ground after you see a faint of smoke hit his chest. The back windows of Train's SUV all of a sudden gets blown out then Train gets out of the vehicle. Train can be seen walking up to the undercover holding a gun in his hands. The camera zooms in so you can get a good look at Train's face. Train is talking then he see light smoke coming from the gun he was holding like he just pulled the trigger again. Then Train dropped the gun as the first squad car shows up.

Street stopped the tape right there at that part.

"You still have the editing equipment in here, Jackson?" Street asked the man that he gave the coffee to.

"Sure do," Jackson said. "This is some low quality stuff but I can make anything work. What you need?"

"Ok, I need you to edit this whole shit so we can give it to the press," Street said with a devilish grin. "Okay, rewind the beginning when Phillips is about to approach the car." Street waited until Jackson rewind the tape back to the part he wanted. "Okay, no go frame by frame. Okay, so I want to get him approaching the car. Take out the part of him smashing the window. Get him reaching in, then he moving back from the shot in the arm."

Street smiled as he orchestrated how this tape was going to play out in the media.

"So after that, cancel the scene when that bastard's back window was shot in," Street continued. "Then get that asshole coming out of the vehicle, ok see where he's talking, can you still add audio?"

Jackson nodded.

"So here what I want to have him saying," Street said. "I have his voice on recorder from one of his interrogation so you can match the sound waves to his frequency."

Street told Jackson what he wanted Train to be saying to the undercover and Jackson wrote it down on a notepad so he could get it word for word. Street explained how he wanted it to sound then he pointed at the screen when Train pulls the trigger.

"I want you to echo that last shot make it seem fatal," Street said. "I want people to feel that shot."

Jackson nodded again.

"Good," Street said rubbing Jackson on the shoulder. "We do this right and we are as good as rain."

Street's Blackberry phone rung on his clip. Street excused himself and stepped out of the van to answer it.

"Street," Street answered as soon he put the phone to his ear.

"You watch the News?" the oldest Street brother, Kenrod, Jr., said as soon as Street answered.

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