Chapter 6

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"Come in." Ch'en demand.

"...Dr. Kal'tsit!" Amiya said.

"Kal'tsit-sama!" Ashley said her eyes gleaming a little.

"Amiya..Ashley...Nicolas..." Kal'tsit said facing them.

"So you've come." She said.

Silence occurred.

"Ahem." Ch'en fake cough, to break the silence.

"Chief Wei, the other three representative of Rhodes Island have also arrived." She said.

"Ah, excellent." Chief Wei said.

"Please take a seat, Dr. Kal'tsit is currently explaining the situation to me." He said referring to the seats.

"Allow me to continue. Mister Wei, I trust you have a good grasp of the situation already. Currently, the Lungmen information network capture a lot of information regarding the Reunion movement. It is good that you recognize the importance of this. But this alone is not enough, Lungmen still lacks key information." Kal'tsit explain.

"I believe the L.G.D knows very well that this simple quarantine is not enough to hold back Reunion. Reunion will not obediently go through inspections, nor will they wait for the authorities to take the initiative, that's why...without Rhodes Island's assistance, Lungmen will suffer from heavy losses against Reunion, you should decide to pursue the same strategies against the infected." She continue.

"Pardon the interruption." Ch'en said suddenly.

"The L.G.D understand better about Lungmen defenses than Rhodes Island does. We've already made enough preparations to deal with possible infiltration from Reunion." She said.

"We, however, are not obliged to provide you with confidential information regarding our operators." She continue.

"Miss Kal'tsit, please continue." Chief Wei said ignoring what Ch'en said.

"While it is true that Lungmen has been successful in dealing with unarmed infected so far, you have not dealt with this scale of organization rioting before. This may result in unnecessary losses." Kal'tsit said.

"From our experience...only Infected are capable of countering the Infected." She continue.

"To my understand, Rhodes Island has some special expertise in countering Reunion?" Wei ask.

"We do have experience, but I wouldn't call it expertise." Kal'tsit reply.

"Oh?...I've been told that Rhodes Island was involved with the Chernobog incident, and managed to obtain a lot of intel about Reunion." Wei said.

"No matter where you heard that this stage, that information is not up for exchange. It is but a part of our resume, a qualification that allows us to speak with you, Mister Wei." Kal'tsit said.

"It is Lungmen that will decide whether or not we will exchange information. If Rhodes Island cannot provide us with this level of that case, we simply have no basis for trusting your capabilities." Wei said.

"Mister Wei, I apologize if my words were not clear enough. What I must emphasize is...the only reason Rhodes Island has this information, is because we were strong enough to obtain it." Kal'tsit said.

"Whatever the case may be, Lungmen cannot simply trust another group of Infected." Ch'en said.

"Miss Ch'en, if you believe that doling out of punishment to the Infected is more important than the actual security of Lungmen..." Kal'tsit said staring at her.

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