Our Past - 1

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circa. 1960 - Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"Saturday! Go play outside, sweetheart it's a perfectly fine day outside!" Yelled Saturday's mother, Trisha, from down the stairs. Her youngest daughter, whom was only 11 years old at this time, was named Saturday. And this, my friends, is when everything was at peace, Saturday jumbled down the stairs quicker than you can say "peach tree", she greeted her mother softly before giving her a big squeeze. "Hm. Nice to see you too, darling."

They had a o.k relationship, but Saturday at this age really loved her Mom. And same applied with her Mom towards Saturday.

"Why'd you call for me?" She looked up at her Mom, with a questioning look, "So you could go play outside with your sisters, of course!" She responded, and not only did Saturday groan in annoyance, her older sisters Mary(15) and Sandra(17) stomped through the hallway looking irritated as hell. No one in this family adored going outside, there was always some type of excuse or complaint that would force their Mom to bring them back inside.

"Oh, hello girls! How has your afternoon been so far?" She smiled, face gleaming with pride that the girls didn't care for, "It was O.K until you told us to go outside, Mom." Mary said with a hint of sarcasm then slipped her shoes on, then their Mom rolled her eyes still smiling as happy as she could be..but still Sandra decided to stay silent and slip on her own shoes.

"And we have to take this little debby-downer with us too," Mary continued, pointing at Saturday. "That's not gnarly at all!" She put on her jacket a little too aggressively, everyone knew this was a mistake to piss off the Mom's "favorite" child. And at this time, Saturday was the favorite because of the way she never spoke back, talked trash, or misguided people, someone you would want to befriend. Someone who would definitely have a jealous older sister like Mary.

Their mother was a little triggered, "You shut it, Mary, or I'll have to keep you outside for hours for talking to your baby sister like that!" She yelled, holding Saturday closer to her body, hugging her tight. Sandra was already outside, Mary followed after she stuck her tongue out at Saturday.

Her mother sighed, "I'm sorry baby, just tell me if she does anything to you while you're outside." She kissed the top of her head, "Ok?"

Saturday quietly whispered a "Ok." Then headed on outside after slipping her black ballet flat-shoes on, lastly slipping her brown leather jacket on that she got for her 10th birthday party. "Bye, Saturday!" Her Mom blew a kiss, watching Saturday give her a sweet smile, then head out the door to be with her sisters.


Sandra and Mary were standing, waiting for their sisters, notepads in their hands. "Damn, that took you fifteen hours!" Said Mary, stuffing the tiny notepad into her pocket. Saturday looked down at the grass under her shoes, hands behind her back. Mary smirked, "We're going to the drive-in tonight, Saturday, kid." She grabbed her hand then followed Sandra, who was already walking down the rocky road. "You're getting dropped somewhere since kids aren't allowed at the drive-in after 10:00." She practically was dragging Saturday, but this made her head perk up, and look at the back of Mary's head, all she saw was black. Some black, thick, coarse hair that she felt the need to tear off of her head.

"Sandra knows a place. We'll drop you off right now, actually."

"What? Where the heck are you going to drop me off at?" Asked Saturday, face red from the sudden shock, she was only 11! Who would drop their baby sister somewhere at nighttime, on a Friday, and somewhere totally random? Wow! I simply love politics.

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