Relief - 7

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kanye west is the only true queen on this planet

oH—here you gO.

This is unedited.

"So she had a panic attack." A voice that could barely be heard to Saturday said, but to us, this was Darry's voice. Pony and Sodapop's older brother.

"And so you left her to faint instead of helping, kid?" He said, aiming that question towards Bob.

He didn't say a word.

Darry leaned over her, watching her flutter her eyelids open slightly, then close again immediately. "She's probably trying to wake up right now." He said, his two brothers agreed with him on the sidelines, one was Ponyboy, then the other one was Soda. Soda himself wasn't too happy, he was the one that stared at Saturday's unconscious face, making a guilty expression on his own.

Bob cleared his throat from behind them. "Yeah, I didn't know what I was supposed to do...everyone was staring at me." Bob was sitting against a brick wall, rocking himself back and forth like an anxious little boy scared for his life. But, at this moment, he'd thought he had taken Saturday's own. "They were judging me. Like, if I let her to die I would be praised." His tone of voice made it sound like he was about to sob, "I didn't want to save her, or else they would be beating me up until I lay dead on the ground." He buries his head in his knees.

He then heard someone scoff. "Shut your trap, Bob, you have very selfish ways, and you should know that!" Yelled Ponyboy, he emerged from his dark corner, staring down at Bob from above. "She got hurt because of you!"

"This was expected." Darry suddenly mumbled, wrapping his arm under Saturday's legs. "And on her first day back, too?" His other arm went under her back, picking her up all together. "Shame on you, kid."

"I have the right to speak about what happened, man!" Bob immensely stood up from his place, holding his fists at his sides tightly. "You can't blame me for everything, you know!"

"You don't have the right to say anything, Bob!" Soda yells, "Who just leaves someone to have a panic attack?" He clenched his fists, leaving them at the side of his body too.

He took a deep breath in after Bob didn't say anything, giving him an easy chance to calm down and take the breath. "I should've been here, I should've known you were gonna do something stupid!" His fist was suddenly lifted up, ready to strike, then Bob lifted his own arms and hands up in front of his face, for protection.

"I know! It was stupid! I did something stupid!" Bob cried out for mercy, awaiting a blow to his face from Soda.... until-

"Who did something stupid?" Oh my fish it was Saturday! She looked around at her surroundings, and I couldn't blame her for being afraid, she was met face to face with Darry the second she woke up—and a bunch of arguing voices around her? And the feeling of being held? What? Was she two years old again? Why was she being held?
Gosh, she must be frightened right now. "Ha? What's going on?" Worryingly, her eyes widened as she looked around at everyone else standing there—fighting positions in tact, ready to throw some punches. Even Pony was beside Soda, ready to help him if Bob even decided to fight back.

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