Moving Back to Tulsa - 2

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now the actual story starts.

_____________five years later_____________

"Mom, I know where my dresses go!" She picked up a box from the back of her Mom's minivan, and dropped it next to the other labeled boxes. "Are you sure sweetie?" Her mother asked, helping with the boxes, "Yes! The left side of the closet. You said that the whole car ride here, for hours!" Saturday chuckled, looking over the house they were going to be living in for most of the time, now. "Wow, I love the doodoo brown walls, seems amazing!" She looked at the porch, "Hm. Now that's at least one thing I approve of right there." She quickly ran up to the porch, then sat on the stairs which creaked under her weight.

Her mother peeked her head from around the back of the van, seeing her daughter bounce up and down on the stairs. "Be careful sweet-pea! Don't mess around with everything now!"

Saturday rolled her eyes, "Mom! Oh my gosh- I'm sixteen! Stop giving me all these weird pet-names, those are only for couples who are on drugs!" Her mother laughs quietly under the huge box she was carrying, "Then I must be on drugs, then, sweet pie." She grabbed the keys from her pocket then opened the creaky door, walking in while her daughter stand behind her, unamused and disappointed.

"Mom! Literally, no, that's not gonna cut it, here." She followed her mother into the (not so new) home, it was nice, quaint, quiet. To her liking, of course, because this time...Saturday was all alone-with no older sister who wanted to kill her, and maybe even chop her up into little pieces.

"What's not gonna cut it here? We've lived here before! And that was for most of my life my sweet Saturday!" She said, dropping the box by a room with an opened door, "You lived here for the first 13 years of your life, I think we both know how things work around here!" Her Mom let out a big sigh, looking straight at Saturday again, "Just go get the rest of the boxes, then you can go explore or whatever if you're anything like your sisters." Saturday nodded, then quickly speed walked out of the house to get the rest of the boxes out of her Mom's van.

"I'm not like my freaking sisters.." She mumbled, throwing multiple of her boxes on the ground, "Mary got her freaking ugly ass thrown in prison with'cho dumbass looking black looking hair dumb-"

"Honey! Please get me my big white box!" Her mom's loud voice emitted from the house, with the front door still open wide so she could easily hear, "It has all my crochet stuff in it and I'm extremely bored!" She stopped, Saturday yelled "O.K Mom!" Rolled, her eyes, then searched for the big white box.

"Ah!" She grabbed the same box with the exact description from behind another huge box, "Found it! Now time to be unbothered!" then ran it in the house to give it to her Mom. She found her sitting on the arm chair that was put their before by the guys who helped them move in—chilling. "Mom!" Saturday stuffed the box in her face, shaking it. "Here! Here's your crochet stuff, thing!"

"Oh." Her Mom grabbed the box, looking up and smiling at Saturday, "Thanks, Saturday sweetie." Saturday smiled. "Are all the boxes in your room or at least in front of your room?" She asked, attempting at looking behind her in the hallway.

Saturday eagerly nods, "Yeah they are," she bites her lip, looking in the hallway where her boxes were indeed sitting there, "...can I go now please?" She's practically jumping up and down in her spot, her Mom just shook her head at her immature way of showing that she was extremely impatient. Like a dog, or something more accurate than that—I just can't think at the moment.

Her Mom nodded without context, then Saturday squealed off, running out the door then slamming it shut, leaving her Mom in a perplexed moment to herself.

"I have a very strange daughter." She said to herself, laughing. Then she took out her crochet kit, and started making her next project.

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