Part 12

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This weekend is the tree planting camp, the faculty organizes this type of activities as a process of integration among the students and with the purpose of helping the environment.

Duen had invited Frong and he suggested that he should take someone with him , it would be better to invite a friend, almost all the boys would be with their partner or friends.

- Uhmmm I have no one to go with, my friends don't like that kind of activities. Frong said ashamed.

-Really? Duen asked, somewhat surprised.

Frong was very popular in college but he could actually count his friends on the fingers of his hand.

- Uhmmm why don't you invite P'Thara ?, Duen asked him

- Thara ??? Really? he asked doubtful, although it could be a good idea. It would be better than going alone.

- Invite him, he sure says yes.

- Uhmmm, I'll think about it, said Frong

- Please let me know If you're going, he said.


Frong really wanted to go to the camp, so he decided to ask Thara personally, today he would have an appointment at the clinic to treat his migraines, so you would take the opportunity to speak with him.

Later in the clinic....

As he entered the office area, he saw Thara pass. he decided to call him.

-P'Thara, this time he didn't just call him Thara as he always did. Something was definitely changing....

Thara carried a number of files in his arms and some bags in his other hand. However, he turned to look, he knew it was his kitten ...

- Ohh Hi Frong, this time he tried to hide his happiness when He saw him.

- Uhmmm could you give me one minute of your time?

- Yes, of course how can I help you?

- Do you need help with this? Frong kindly helped him hold the bags.

Frong did not know how to invite him to the camp, he was acting somewhat nervous, he is not regularly like that ... but Thara made him nervous. He didn't know if it was because of the way he looked at him and that smile he always had on his face ...... -Uff why I think like that, he asked himself.

- Ehhh, I wanted to invite you to the camp this weekend. Uhmm I don't want to go alone. he looked at him somewhat sad.

- This weekend? Uhmmm I would have to check my schedule, I think I have another event. Thara told him, It was just lying , he had nothing but he wanted to see frong's reaction, he was finally falling ...

- Ahhh, actually I would really like you to come with me.

- Sure, let me check and I'll let you know, thara said with a smile.

- I hope you confirm me soon. I must notify the boys, ok?

Frong didn't really think Thara would hesitate to accept his invitation, he wondered if maybe he had lost interest ... interest?, what the hell am I thinking I don't want anything with him, just as friends, that's all that we could become.

- Ok, I will confirm you to your Line. Sorry , I have to go now, Thara said. Frong returned his packages

- See you then , said Frong.

- Ok, bye

Frong was bewildered and he had no one else to invite to go with him.

Later that day...

Thara was really happy , finally his beloved frong was giving in to his charms, he would not miss this opportunity, so he decided to write him a line message to frong

Annoying thara: kitten ..., he wrote

Grumpy kitten: what ???? Frong wondered why did he call him kitty ?, that ... it is strange.

Annoying thara: sorry, I meant frong. I was writing to inform you that I already checked my schedule and this weekend I don't have anything scheduled, so I can go with you to the camp.

Frong smiled at the message, actually expecting the positive response.

Grumpy Kitty: Thank you for agreeing to go with me.

Annoying Thara: then see you tomorrow?

Grumpy kitten: yes, see you

Annoying Thara: Bye

Grumpy Kitty: Bye, he wrote with a smile on his face, this weekend would definitely be fun.

The next day the boys were ready to go to the camps, while some settled in their seats, others waited for their companions or their boyfriends... .hehehe.

Frong was already seated in his chair, he chose the window seat, he looked out the window, the bus would soon leave and thara had not arrived. He was actually worried that he wouldn't come and leave him standing, that would be bad.

Meanwhile Duen, Bohn, Mek and Boss were talking about the camp and laughing happily. When they saw Thara arrive.

- Oii Dr Thara, good that he came, Bohn said

- Yes, I am also happy to be able to accompany you, a doctor never hurts. He said smiling.

- Uhmm have you seen Frong? He asked intrigued, he couldn't see it anywhere.

- P ', he's already on the bus, Boss said.

- Ohhh thanks, see you then. Wanted to greet him immediately, he said goodbye to the boys and went to see his boy.

Frong was distracted when Thara got on the second floor of the bus. He came up to his side and asked, is this seat occupied?

-Yes, he's busy, when he came back he saw it was thara ... he couldn't help but smile.

- Hello, frong said.

- Are were saving this seat for me? Thara said, he sat down and he arranged his bag, are we ready? I haven't gone camping for a long time, what about you? he asked thara.

- Uhmm, I do it regularly with my Mae and my brothers.

- Interesting, and are you the youngest? Thara asked interested in learning more about the boy.

-Yep, I'm the youngest

- And the most pampered, is that why you act like that ?, Thara said

- NOOO, it's not true.

- Ok, okay, don't be mad. He said - let's have a good time, ok?

Finally they were all ready, the missing Ram and King arrived, so it was time to leave for their destination a town 3 hours from Bangkok.

The bus started to move and the boys couldn't help but shouted with excitement, since the spirits were on, finally on the way to their destination... this trip would definitely be great for everyone.

Dear readers, our lovely couple is finally getting closer. Please keep reading my fanfic....tomorrow a new chapter!  :)

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