Part 20

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Before reaching Thara's house, they went to the grocery store for some things and they also bought something to eat. They were very hungry.

When the got to Thara's house, they picked all the bags with the food and some other things they had bought from the car trunk , and they reached to thara's front door and Thara  opened the door and they came in.

Frong left the bags in the kitchen and he said to Thara.

-Come closer.

Without wasting any time he got closer to Frong , he was willing to do everything his kitten asked him.

- Yes Dear.

-Go take a shower while I serve the food. That will make you feel you a little relaxed.

Thara took him from his tie, Frong was still wearing his uniform. He began to loosen it.

-Uhmmm why don't we bathe together?

-Uhmmmm no, bad idea. Hurry up or the food will get too cold.

- Ok I'll be back.

Thara rushed to his room, took off his clothes and quickly got into the shower.

While Frong served the food and organized the things they had bought in the supermarket. He felt quite homey, he had never done it before, in his house there were always people to prepare his food and take care of the kitchen. Actually he was changing, to be the first time taking care of his man and he kind of liked, it was not bad at all.

- Love, Thara said when he returned, all bathed and wearing a sweatshirt and T-shirt, drying his hair with a towel.

Baby, you should take a shower before eating, I'll wait for you and we'll eat together.

I left some clothes on the bed for you.

- Okay, I don't take long. Frong went to the room and took off his uniform and showered quickly decided to use Thara's shampoo, it smelled really good.

When he got out of the shower he put a towel around his waist and blowed-dry his hair.

-While Thara was desperate, frong took too long and he was too hungry

-LOVE !!! my frong.

What are you doing, I'm very hungry, come quickly.

- I'm coming, give me 5 minutes

I'm almost done. The boy was fixed his hair, he was very vain.

-I'm ready, he came out, took off his towel and quickly dressed in the shirt and boxers, sweat pants and shirt that Thara had left him. And he went to the kitchen again.

-Why did you take so long?

- I was drying my hair, he said with a shy smile.

-Come on, let's eat.

They sat on the sofa and they ate while talking. Then while Thara watched tv While Frong was washing the dishes. When It was done, he sat down on the sofa again next to Thara.


-Uhmmm, Thara turned immediately

-yes,  my love.

Frong had not seen the print on Thara's shirt, the shirt said "I 💗 YOU, Frong saw his shirt and It said" I LOVE 💗 YOU TOO ", he couldn't help but laughed.

-Don't tell me these are couples t-shirts? he asked Thara.

- Yes, why?, do you find it very corny? Thara asked sadly

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