Part 16

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Thara was excited, it was the first time that he formally dated Frong, he couldn't wait for the moment to be able to date him, just the two of them, since he met him, he had always dreamed of this moment. That boy drove him crazy, he had taken away all sanity in his life, he wanted to share everything with him.

He had to get ready, he wanted to look his best for Frong, he took a long shower and changed quickly, he put on a blue shirt and black pants, this time he left his hair aside, which made him look more youthful. And he completely bathed in his favorite perfume, he was ready for his date. He decided to leave early, he didn't want to keep Frong waiting.

The chosen place was a very cozy and romantic place, few tables, delicious Italian food, and live music. Accompanied by small lights, they gave the place a very romantic and cozy atmosphere, more intimate. He hoped that all this liked Frong, in fact they were few things that he knew about him, but he wanted to know everything, what he likes and what he dislikes

It was 8:00 pm, when he saw Frong arrived, he was looking so handsome , all in black with a long-sleeved shirt and that showed a little skin since he had some of the buttons on his shirt unbuttoned, it was actually very handsome and at the same time very sexy

Good evening Dr Thara, He formally greeted the Doctor.

Thara couldn't erase the smile from his face, he couldn't be happier. Good evening Mr. Frong!

Frong sat in front of Thara,

-Thank you for coming, Thara said somewhat shy, he was a little nervous

- Do you want a drink?

-Uhmmm yes, thanks, I'm thirsty.

-Uhmmm you can not drink alcohol, it is prohibited, remember it. Thara reminded him of his migraine treatment

- Why do you take care of me so much? Frong asked intrigued

- Do you still ask why ? Because you are my special person. I couldn't stop doing it.

Frong smiled shyly.

- I'll order something for you without alcohol and it's delicious, I know you will like it.

Frong thought that maybe Thara brought all his conquests to the same place, maybe he was a frequent client of the place and maybe it was one more of his conquests that invited to the same place

- Do you come to this place very often ?, asked Frong, intrigued

- Sometimes only to special people.

Frong was too far away for his liking, so I decided to ask him for something.

- Can you get a little closer? Thara said softly. "I want to tell you something."

Frong moved his chair next to Thara's.

-Better this way ?, Frong said

-Yes, It's better now.

Thara was laughing it was just an excuse he wanted to have him closer to him.

-What did you want to tell me? Frong wondered

- That you look incredibly handsome, Thara told him.

-I always have been, not just today , with a mischievous smile.

-Uhmmm you know I am very happy that you are here by my side, I have always wished to have a much closer relationship with you, not only as your doctor, but as your friend and much more. I want to know everything about you, to be your confidant, your friend, your special one , your lover ...

Frong can't help but blush with everything Thara was saying to him.

- Yes I know, I realized from the beginning.

- Ahhh and why did you avoid me? Thara asked.

- I'm not an easy boy !, that happens

- That means we are closer now, can I kiss you now?

Thara tried to get closer to Frong's mouth but he stopped him.

-heyyy stop !!! Let's go step by step.

- Okay.

They spent a beautiful evening, sharing secrets, eating together, laughing together, until the live music came it was a jazz band.

Frong felt happy, relaxed as he listened to the music, he couldn't have a better company, he placed his head on Thara's shoulder, while Thara stroked his hand tenderly.

- Now Did you fall in love with me? Thara asked Frong again, with a huge smile.

Frong quickly turned to look at Thara's beautiful face and gently stroked Thara's face.

-Not yet!!! We have to go through a lot.

-Let me check your heart, Thara placed his hand on Frong's chest just at the level of her heart ... while looking at him tenderly.

- Your heart tells me something else ... uhmmm that you die of love for me, it beats very fast ...

Being 11:00, the boys left the place and decided to walk for a while, they looked like two teenagers in the middle of falling in love. However, Frong was too shy to express his feelings, or to hold hands Thara or go a step further.

So Thara tried to take the first step and tried to hold Frong's hand ...

- What are you doing???

- I want to walk hand in hand with you ??

-That's too corny, I won't ...

- Uhmmm, Frong ... do it for me? Dr. Thara said almost pleadingly.

Frong was frowning, he did not want to do it because there were many people on the street and he was very ashamed

Thara placed her index finger between Frong's eyebrows, to stop him from frowning.

- You're a grumpy kitten. Don't do it like that !! You lose your charm !!!

- Shut up, I can never look bad ...

-hahaha you are a smug !!!!

Thara was pouting his mouth, despite being older that Frong sometimes behaved like a spoiled child.

Frong had no choice but to give in, so he stretched out his hand and Thara wasted no time in grabbing him and interlacing his fingers. And the two walked together holding hands.

Thara couldn't be happier, finally things between the two were happening.

Without a doubt this was a beautiful evening and could not finish better but holding hands and very close to each other.

Wow, this couple is so sweet!! Dear readers I will like to know your expectation about this couple?

I have almost all the chapter of this story complete, but I would like to know If my story goes in the same direction of your expectation, I would like to know If I should change or modify something? Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading again! :)

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