Part 14

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After the camp Frong got home , he was really tired of all the activities and especially of the return trip.

When he got into the house he met his mother.

- Hi Mae, he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. Frong was a very loving son.

- How was your weekend, my Frong? Did you have fun at the camp?

- If it was very entretaining . he smiled at the thought of everything that had happened and his approach with Thara.

- Did Dr. Thara go with you?

- Yup, he said shyly.

-Did you have a good time? She asked intrigued

- Mae, what do you want to know? Frong actually had a very close relationship with his mother, she knew that Frong likes men for a few years, when he had his first relationship with a boy, that man broke his heart and her mother was always there to confort him, she was his confident during all that time. Besides mother and son relationship they were friends. There were no secrets between them. She was unconditional support.

- Uhmmm, yes, we had a great time. He smiled shyly

-Do you like him ?

- Uhmmm, I think he's an interesting man.

- Oiiii, why don't you invite him to dinner here? Tell him that I invite him in thanks for taking care of you in all your migranes treatment. Please tell him?

- Mae, don't you think it's too much?

- No, at all, I want to know him more , that doctor is so handsome and kind.

Frong's mom actually considered Thara a great match for his son.

- Ok, Mom. I will ask him.

Minutes after chatting for a while with his mom and having dinner, he went to his room, took a long shower and put on his pajamas. He dried his hair, then put on a bandana and applied some creams to his face. Frong was a vain boy who liked to take care of himself and his face was no exception.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, his cell phone vibrated. It was a message from Thara, so she immediately read it.

Annoying Thara: Did you get well to your house?

Grumpy Kitty: Yes, thanks. And you?

Annoying Thara: Yes, but I already miss you

Grumpy Kitty: What are you talking about, missing me ?? It's actually been less than 4 hours since we saw each other, Frong wrote

Annoying Thara: It doesn't matter. I like to see you all the time

Grumpy Kitty: You are amazing !!! I have an invitation for you from my mother

Annoying Thara: Seriously? From your mother.... my mother in law?

Grumpy kitten: What mother in law !! do not invent things that are not true . My mom wants you to come to dinner with us tomorrow.

Annoying Thara: Wow, that's amazing, tomorrow I'll be there without fail

Grumpy Kitty: Well I'm Going to Sleep I'm Tired

Annoyed Thara: Ok, baby, rest, dream of me

Grumpy Kitty: Uhmmm I don't think it's a good idea to dream of you. Bye

Annoying Thara: bye kisses

The next day....

Mae, Doctor Thara accepted the invitation, so tonight you have a guest

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