Part 19

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Dear readers! this story is coming to an end soon, I hope you like it. Your comments and votes inspire me to keep on writing. Thanks in advance!!

The morning after their first kiss ... Before starting his day of medical rounds , Thara wrote a message to his guy

Thara: my Kitty, how are you? What are you doing?

Frong felt his cell phone vibrate and took it out of his bag, stealthily, the teacher was strict on cell phone issues while they were in class, so he secretly took out his cell phone. He smiled when he saw it was a message from his favorite doctor.

Grumpy Kitty: Hi, I'm in class, I can't answer you right now, we'll talk later, ok?

Thara: Ok, 🐱 + 👨🏻‍⚕‍ = ❤ I lov u

Grumpy Kitty: 😘

Thara smiled, He was already missing his boy.

When Frong had his hour off he took out his cell phone and he wrote a message to Thara, he really wanted to hear his voice, but he didn't know if he was busy with something very important and he didn't want to disturb.

Grumpy Kitty: Thara

Minutes later, frong still did not get a response.

-Uhmmm, it must be busy. He thought.

He wrote to him again a few minutes later

Grumpy Kitty: Are you that busy that you can't answer my messages?

The message was received but he didn't read it.

Frong was already starting to get upset, he didn't like to be ignored, especially when they were just starting a relationship.

He put away his cell phone and he went back to class.

When he left classes, he dialed Thara to his cell phone, Thara's cell phone was turned off.

-That strange, it never turns it off ... frong thought He got worried and he decided to go to the clinic, he wanted to make sure he was fine, it was strange that he didn't write or call him during the day.

So he took a taxi and headed to the clinic where Thara worked. Upon arriving at the reception asked for Dr Thara, the lady kindly announced it, and he made him come into the office.

Frong immediately went to the indicated office and knocked on the door. When he got inside he found thara with his arms wide open, he wanted a hug.

Immediately frong ran and hugged him, the poor man had a face of exhaustion, he looked like he had had a very hard day.

-Why didn't you answer my calls? Frong asked concerned.

-It was a very difficult day, but everything is better now that you're here.

Frong looked him in the eye, and he saw that his eyes were slightly puffy.

- Tell me what happened to you? he caressed his face.

- Nothing love, nothing.

He didn't want his kitten to find out.

-You won't tell me, why were you crying?

Thara separated from frong and approached his desk and leaned on him and he said

- You will think that I am sensitive and somewhat crybaby, but I cry every time I lose a patient. Today one of my cancer patients died, who reminded me a lot of my mother and I became very sentimental.

I tried everything as a doctor to save her but the cancer was stronger than us.

I think I failed to her and her family

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