꧁Chapter Two꧂

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driving down the road for more then an hour now everyone was staring to get restless. "anyone wanna listen to some music?" carmen pipes up.
yes' and no's filled the car. "who said no?!" nova said. scott raised his hand and looked at her "why don't you want to listen to music!?" she shouted.
"because i'm not in the mood for it right now." he said looking at nova, as you can tell from this, he doesn't like nova. at all. nova rolled her eyes and reached out to the front to turn on the radio. she turned on the music and turned it up then sat back in her seat.
'tongue tied' by grouplove flowed through the car as scott crossed his arms and huffed. "you're acting like a child" dante said while looking back at him and laughing.
"don't make me turn this car around" carmen said while laughing and turning up the music. she loved to listen to music but especially when it was loud. she rolled her window down and let one arm hang along the side of the van.
"where are we going first?" scott asked unbuckling his seatbelt and looking over carmens shoulder. carmen turned the music down slightly and looked over at dante.
"it's up to the big man over here" carmen said smacking dante's knee and smiling while continuing to look at the road ahead. dante flinched and looked at her then at the map on the floor. he picked it up and opened it up.
"hmm...let's see. if we keep driving on this road for another...3...no 4, no 2 no-" dante started but scott cut him off.
"just use google maps dumbass" scott said holding up his phone. he snatched the map away from dante and ripped it up and threw it out the window.
"scott!" carmen screamed at him. "you asshole!" she said as she reached her hand back and tried to hit him. mscott laughed and moved away.
dante pulled out his phone and opened google maps "there's a abandoned amusement park 3 hours away if we keep straight on this road. let's go there first" he said turning off his phone and looking at carmen. she nodded and turned the radio up again and smiled.
dante reached into his pocket and pulled out a few rolls of weed in a small paper bag. he took one out and put it in his mouth then took out a lighter and lit it. he rolled down his window and let the cigarette hang off his lips as he inhaled slowly and swallowed some then exhaled some.
he looked back at scott and held up the paper bag. "want one?" he asked him. scott nodded and dante handing him a roll, he lit it up for him as he rolled the window down as well. dante looked at nova and she shook her head. he didn't bother to offer any to carmen because she was driving.
scott took a long drag on it then blew the smoke into novas face "ew! you jackass!" she said waving it away and coughing. scott laughed and pushed her gently. nova laughed a little then looked out the side window.
scott blew another large amount of smoke out of his mouth and inhaled it through his nose.
dante looked back at him impressed then tried to do it too. he made a perfect archway when he inhaled. scott laughed with the cigarette hanging off his lips while he watched him.
carmen looked over and smiled "gimmie some!" she said smiling excitedly. dante took another long drag of what he had left of his cigarette and leaned over and looked at carmen. he put his hand on her mouth and opened her lips with his fingers. he got close to her and blew the smoke into her mouth slowly. he let go of her and she started coughing. dante started to laugh. he threw the butt of the cigarette out the window.
carmen glanced over at dante slightly, he looked back at her and she quickly looked away again and back at the road. "i'm feeling left out now" nova said looking at them and giggling slightly.
"here" scott says blowing the rest of the cigarette smoke in her face again and laughing.
"you bitch!" she shouted and closed her eyes and waved it away again. everyone was laughing when the music changed to 'no diggity' by blackstreet.
"who has the aux?" carmen asked looking around. dante holds up his phone and smiles.
"me, carmel" he said laughing. scott looked at him and scrunched you his face.
"this song is trash, switch it" scott said turning the music down. dante looked at him shocked and turned it up again.
"why you dissin my music scott" dante said looking at him and turning up the music more and more to annoy him. scott just shook his head and sat back in his chair. the music was loud when dante started to sing along "shorty get downnnnnn.." he sang along with the music. carmen looked at him and burst out laughing. dante couldn't help but smile too as he sang. "i can't get her out of my mind.." he sang, nova was vibing in the back seat humming along with dante as he sang "i like the way you work it, no diggity, i like to bag it up" he sang loudly. scott started to laughing and dance with nova while they finished listening to the song.
hours later they pulled up to a dirt road. "this is it?" carmen asked dante as she stopped the van and looked at him.
dante nodded and looked around "yeah this should be it" he said looking back at her. "maybe we need to get out and walk around. we'll find it eventually" he said getting out of the stopped van. carmen turned the van off and slowly climbed out with her keys in her pocket.
the sun was soon going down but it was still sunny out, enough light so that they can see.
they all walked the path for 5 minutes until dante called out, "i see the top of the ferris wheel!" he pointed up. there it was. behind the trees was the abandoned amusement park. they all ran together to the park.
"woah" nova said when they all looked up at the ferris wheel towering over them all. it was all rusted but still standing.
"i wonder if we can get on it" scott said going over to it and touching the rusted carts. dante followed him and looked at it.
"it would probably fall on us" he said laughing and looking around the place some more, everyone nodded in agreement and followed dante to explore some more.
there were carnival stands on the sides of the walkway as they passed by, a mini golf course was set at the bottom of the hill. "oh my god i wanna play golf!" shouted nova.
"the stuff is probably all still here in one of these booths..we just gotta find it" scott said looking into one of the booths. "this place is creepy as fuck" he added.
everyone spread out and looked in each booth for golf clubs and golf balls, nova ran down to the mini golf course and looked around for some stray golf balls as well. "i found a few balls!" nova shouted from the bottom of the hill. carmen gave her a thumbs up because she didn't want to yell.
dante found the booth where the golf stuff was located and grabbed some of the golf clubs and walked down the hill to nova. he gave her a golf club and watched her play some mini golf. carmen looked at them both and decided to go down with them and join. scott ran down the hill and tripped over her feet and fell face first into the grass.
carmen laughed and went over to him "you okay buddy?" she said helping him up. his face had dirt marks on it and he spit out grass to the side of him.
"yeah i'm fine" he said chuckling and dusting himself off and going towards the golf court. they all sat and took turns playing mini golf until the sun started to set slowly.
"i think we should head back to the van" nova said looking up at the sky. "we don't wanna get stuck here in the middle of nowhere." she added and looked back at everything. they all nodded and threw their golf clubs down.
"whoever gets to the van last has to.....pay for gas!" scott shouted as he started sprinting up the hill. everyone scrambled and started running as fast as they can back to the van. unfortunately scott got there first, then dante, then nova, and last but not least, carmen.
"fuck" she mumbled under her breath scott laughed and put his hands on his knees and bent over trying to catch his breath.
"you gotta pay!" nova said jumping into the van, scott followed her into the back and closed the door. dante glanced over at carmen and walked to the van door on the passenger side.
"i'll pay, don't worry" he said looking at carmen and smiling then getting into the van and closing the door. carmen smiled a little and walked to the drivers side and got in. she looked back and saw nova sleeping in her seat. scott was looking out the window half asleep.
"i guess i need to find a hotel" carmen said looking at dante. he nodded and opened his phone.
"the nearest one is in 2 miles" he said looking back at her. carmen nodded as to say thank you and started the van and pulled out of the dirt road and on the way back to the highway.
"on the road againnnn" dante said quietly laughing softly and looking at carmen trying not to wake the others.
carmen laughed quietly and looked at dante for a quick second then back at the road. "yay" she said smiling and continuing to drive on the long road.

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