꧁Chapter Three꧂

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carmen drove for about 15 minutes until they finally got to the nearest hotel. carmen pulled into the parking lot and parked the van. she looked at dante and he was looking at her. they both looked back at scott and nova. they were both sound asleep. "like children" carmen said softy laughing and getting out of the van. dante followed.
dante opened the door to the van and shook scott awake, carmen went to the other side with nova and did the same thing waking both of them up. "mmmm fuck off" scott mumbled stretching out in his seat.
dante laughed and rolled his eyes "we're at a hotel, we're gonna get a room so y'all can sleep or something." he said as scott climbed out of the van and stood next to dante. the cold wind blew around them all as they entered the hotel.
carmen went up to the front desk and rang the bell. "hello?" she said as a person came out from the back room. "i'd like to purchase a room with two beds" she said looking at the receptionist.
the receptionist looked at them all and nodded and got a key for them. "room 25" he said handing carmen the key. "how long are you staying?" he asked her.
"only one night" she said looking at the group of friends then back at the receptionist.
"okay then that'll be 130 dollars" he said looking at them. carmens eyes widened and she looked at dante who was holding scott and nova by the arm making sure they didn't fall asleep. he let go of scott and took out his wallet.
"i got this g" he said chuckling and handing the receptionist his card. the receptionist swiped his card and smiled after he handed it back to dante.
"have a nice night" the receptionist said looking at them all. carmen nodded and started walking to the room with everyone following behind her. she passed each room until she finally got to number 25. she slid the key in and it unlocked. they all went inside. scott plopped down on one bed and fell asleep instantly.
nova went to the other bed and did the same. "thanks for leaving room guys" carmen said shaking her head and closing the door after dante came into the room. she double locked the door and laid the key on the tv stand that was in the room. she turned to dante and smiled "thank you for paying, you didn't have to" she said.
"that's fine. you paid for the food at the diner, i forgot to... im sorry for that" he said smiling a little and taking off his jacket and laying it on the chair then taking off his shoes. "fuck we forgot to bring the suitcases in" he added.
carmen looked at scott and nova then back at dante "i'm not going to get it, it's to late now. we can grab it in the morning" she said sitting down in one of the chairs at the small table. dante nodded and sat in the other chair across from her.
"i ain't even tired" dante said looking around, "how did they even pass out like that" he said laughing "it's barley 11 yet". carmen shook her head.
"blows my mind everytime" she said smiling and leaning back in the chair. they both looked  at each other smiling. "you hungry?" she said to him.
he shook his head "no you?" he asked her back. she shrugged and sat up straight again.
"i could go for a cup of noodles" she said giggling. dante immediately stood up and went out the door. "what the- dante!?" she said standing up and going to the door. dante was running down the hall in his socks.
"i'm going to get you noodles!" he shouted out while he was running. he ran all the way to the small food court set up in the lobby. there was a variety of food sitting on the table in front of him. the sign said free and he grabbed the cup of noodles on the table. he ran back to the room. "here you go my queen" he said bowing down and handing her the noodles.
she laughed and took the noodles gently. "thank you sir" she said holding open the door so he could get in. he slowly came into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. he looked over at scott, he was hanging off the bed.
carmen went to put some water in the cup of noodles and put it in the microwave. she went over and sat on the edge of the bed next to nova. "god, these beds are comfy." she said bouncing a little and smiling. dante smiles and looked at her.
"very comfy." he said smoothing his hand over the blankets. he looked around the room and sighed. he laid down and pushed scott over so that he can lay down.
"are you tired?" she asked him quietly before getting up to go over to the microwave to take out her noodles. she took them out and put them on the small table.
"yeah i kinda am" he said yawning and then sitting up "but i can stay up with you if you want to carmel candy bitch" he laughed.
carmen laughed then looked around the room to find a fork. she found one by the mini fridge and took it back to the table. she started to eat the noodles "you can go to sleep if you want to" she said.
"okay then, night" he said curling up facing away from scott. carmen chuckled and continued eating the noodles. she sat in silence. she was left to overthink by herself.
when she finished her noodles she threw it all in the garbage and turned off the lights. she sighed and plopped into the bed next to nova and went under the blankets. she stared at scott while he laid asleep on the bed. she turned and faced nova then slowly went to sleep.

sorry this wasn't a lot, i was facetiming my friends and i didn't want to be gone for long :( this kinda sucked so i apologize, the chapter will be better tomorrow i promise.

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