꧁Chapter Eight꧂

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they all get up from the booth once they were done and went to the front desk to pay. scott and nova went into the porch of the restaurant to wait while dante and carmen paid. dante and carmen split the check.
kaden came up to the counter and looked at them.
"so where are you guys heading?" kaden asks them both. carmen looked at him, he was now out of uniform.
"we were going to go looking for someone to help with our van, it broke down a few miles back that way" carmen pointed to the right.
"oh really..? well i'm off work now.. and i'm guessing you guys don't want to be walking around in the dark. i could take you back to your van." he said looking at dante then at carmen again.
"but it's broke down- whats the point" dante said obviously trying to be rude,
"i know a thing or two about cars, i could help" kaden answered back smiling, "i'll bring my tools" he chuckled.
carmen shrugged "why not" dante looked at her.
"what? we don't even know him!" he pulled her away and whisper yelled at her,
"oh shut up" carmen said. "come on!" she said to kaden he came around the counter and walked out the doors next to her.
and yet again dante was left alone. he then decided to follow them out. he walked next to scott as kaden guided them out to the back of the building where he had his van parked.
"it's big enough to fit you all so i guess we got lucky there" kaden says smiling and unlocking the car.
"shotgun!" nova and carmen said at once. they shot a glare at each other.
"fine" carmen said "i'll sit in the back." she said as they all climbed into the van. the vehicle was separated into 3 parts. the front with 2 seats, the middle with 2 seats and the back with a row of 3. nova and kaden sat in the very front. scott sat in the middle seat and dante sat in the back. as carmen climbed into the van she looked at scott them dante.
"pick me pick me" dante said quietly laughing and looking at carmen. she looked at him and smiled then went to sit in the back next to him.
"fine! i like being alone anyway!" scott said folding his arms.
"you're not two!" nova said annoyed. they all buckled up as kaden started the van and started driving.
"just tell me how to get there" kaden said starting to drive. nova nodded
"i gotchu baby" nova said looking at him. kaden just chuckled and looked back in the rear view mirror at carmen for a split second.
scott was leaning against the door and staring out the window. the back packs were in the middle part of the van on the floor, he was in charge of watching them. while dante and carmen were practically cuddling in the back.
they didn't bother to wear seatbelts. dante laid down across the 3 chairs, carmen was in between is legs and half asleep. she wrapped her arms around his torso holding on gently. while dante played with her hair softly.
nova was directing kaden towards the van, and soon in 15 minutes they arrived to the broken down van. he pulled it over behind carmens van. "here we are" kaden said hopping out of his van after turning it off. they all got up and left the van. dante and carmen grabbed the bags.
carmen went to her van and checked it over making sure there was no signs of entry of vandalism. "all good" she said smiling.
kaden went to the back of his van and took out his tool box and went to carmens vehicle and popped the hood. "get to work" carmen said jokingly while smiling, kaden just chuckled and started to work away at the van.
dante, nova and scott sat on the ground leaning against the railing on the highway. dante took out a weed and lit it up as he watched carmen flirt with kaden endlessly. he inhaled a large amount and turned to scott and blew it at him. scott sniffed it viciously. dante chuckled and gave him one. he lit it up for him and let him smoke. dante got up and walked over to kaden and took another drag and blew out the smoke slowly. "so." he said to him.
kaden looked at him then his weed "oh hi" he said smiling and going back to fixing the van. dante let the cigarette rest on his lips as he watched kaden go to work. he chewed on the end of the cigarette and cracked his neck slightly.
"what do you think of carmen" dante managesd to spit out while carmen wasn't paying attention.
"i think she's cute, not really my type though" kaden said wiping some grease off his hands. "can i have a drag?" kaden asked dante looking at the weed. dante studied him and gave it to him he took a long drag then gave it back to dante. "fuck yes" kaden mumbled and sighed "ive missed that" he said going back to work.
dante raised an eyebrow and threw the cigarette on the ground and squished it. "what do you mean?" he asked him,
"i quit smoking a long time ago, it was nice to get a puff" kaden said looking up at dante from under the hood. "...i like your eyes" he added.
dante looked at him. "uh.....yeah.. thanks" he replied awkwardly. he slowly walked away and over to scott "i-i think...kaden is.."
scott looked at dante as he sat down "he's what?" scott said as he held the weed between his teeth.
"i think he's a little..curvy?" dante said raising his eyebrows a few times.
"....thick?" scott said laughing.
"No!" dante said and sighed "i think he's....skittles"
"tasty?" scott said
"no! on the rainbow side-" dante said. scott looked at him confused for a moment then his eyes widened.
"OH OH OH" scott screamed and looked at dante "well then! fuck me" scott said laughing,
"fu- what?" dante said looking at him "the weed gone to your head?" dante laughed, knowing now that he don't have to worry about kaden trying to get with carmen.
soon a few minutes later kaden puts his tools away and sighs "all fixed!" he puts the hood down and smiles at them all.
"thank you thank you" carmen says hugging kaden tightly. nova looked at them and shrugs then climbs into the van. carmen pulls away and looks at kaden. "you should come with us" she said.
dante looked at her "he should wHaT?!" he said looking at her surprised.
"it wouldn't hurt" carmen shrugged "another friend" she smiled and looked kaden up and down.
"id have to bring my van back home and pick up some stuff..but i don't wanna disturb you guys. it's your trip" kaden chuckled and looked at dante and carmen. scott came around the corner and leaned against the van.
"oh come onnn we don't mind" scott said looking at him and smiling.
"i mind-" dante started but scott put his pointer finger over his mouth.
"shhhh child" scott said looking at him. dante rolled his eyes and went to the van and climbed into the passenger seat.
"...okay okay" kaden said smiling "i'll go, but you have to follow me back to my house in your car" he added looking at carmen.
scott walked over and patted him on the back "welcome" he whispered in kadens ear then messed up his hair.
kaden flustered up and fixed it "y-yeah" carmen looked at them and then raised an eyebrow. scott got into the back of the van with nova like always.
carmen walked over to kaden "i.....i- are you-" she stuttered while talking to him.
kaden bends his wrist and looks at her "bent wrist? yes" kaden said laughing. carmen puts a hand over her mouth.
"i'm so sorry! i didn't know i- i was flirting why didn't you stop me!" carmen said embarrassed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't even realize.." kaden said chuckling he looked at her and smiled "it's okay" he picked up his tool box and put it in the back of his van then climbed in the vehicle himself, "just follow me" he added.
"oh, okay!" carmen picked up the backpacks that were laying on the ground and threw them in the back. she hopped into the drivers seat and started the van. it started smoothly.
"he did a good job" nova said smiling. kaden pulled out from behind carmen and started driving. carmen started following him.
"yeah and he's," carmen bent her wrist "ya know".
nova gasped "really!?" she shouted.
carmen nodded "uh huh, i thought the same thing".
dante looked at them, "so..he's gay?" he tried to clarify.
"yes dante you idiot" scott said looking at him
"shut up whore" dante said reaching back to hit him.
carmen just kept driving behind kaden going towards his house. hoping it isn't to far away.

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