꧁Chapter Five꧂

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it was a long drive along the way to the canyon. almost every 15 minutes scott told me to pull over because he had to and i quote, take a piss. but soon we finally arrived to the canyon.
we all hopped out of the van and ran to the back of it to dig through our suitcases looking for our swimsuits. i searched through mine but i couldn't find one. "i think i forgot to pack mine" i say aloud looking at nova.
"i'm sorry i don't have another one" nova replied looking at me with a sad face. "you should just wear your bra and underwear, no big deal" she said closing her suitcase. she ran behind a tree. i'm guessing to get changed.
i looked at scott who stripped down to just his boxers. "i don't have any swim trunks" he said looking at me and shrugging. his boxers were full of pink flamingos. i shook my head and looked away.
i looked at dante as he slowly took off his shirt and threw it into the van. he took off his jeans and socks then threw it into his suitcase. "me too" he said talking to scott. my face flustered with a bright pink as i had to look away.
nova came back from behind the tree with her pink bikini. "was i the only one prepared for this-" she said looking at the two boys left in their boxers and me still with my clothes on.
i shrugged and slowly took off my shirt, i was wearing a tan bra and the same colour seamless underwear. i looked around at them all. dante was looking at me strangely. "what?" i said looking at him. he looked up at me.
"what?" he said shaking his head and looking away, "let's go swimming" he said after, scott and dante went to the edge of the cliff, the rocks hovered over the water. there was a big drop until you hit the water.
"you guys aren't gonna jump are you? there is stairs to get down there." nova said pointing to the stairs leading down to the lake. scott looked back at her.
"you guys just don't wanna jump because you're pussy's" scott said looking at nova and i. i scoffed and walked over beside dante.
"i'm not pussy" i said aloud, but i was scared. it was a really far drop. nova walked over next to scott and nodded.
"yeah me neither." she said looking at me and smiling. "on 3?" nova said looking at us all.
"okay" dante said "on 3" he added. we all started counting to three. we counted to 2 and we all held hands.
"3!" we all said together as we jumped all holding hands. as we hit the cold water i tried my best to get back to the surface. as i got back up everyone was wiping off their faces and pushing their hair back.
"fuck, i forgot i would get my hair wet!" dante said touching his hair and whining. we all laughed and i took my hands and rubbed his hair back to try and fix it. he huffed then wrapped is arms around me and pulled me close.
"what are you doing-" i say just before he picks me up out of the water and puts me on his shoulders. he holds onto my legs as i hold onto his head so i don't lose my balance and fall back into the water.
nova jumps onto scott as she climbs up to his shoulders and does the same as me "let's fight!" nova shouts laughing. i shake my head
"no no no" i said laughing, dante squeezed my legs gently and laughed.
"come on homie" dante said trying to look up at me. "pleaseee" he said smiling. i looked away trying not to smile but i couldn't help it.
"fine" i said smiling. we were in the shallow part of the lake so the boy's could stand up and not drown obviously.
they walked towards each other as i put my hands on novas shoulders and she put hers on mine. we pushed and pulled each other back and forth trying to knock one of us down.
nova gripped my shoulders and pushed me to the right, i slipped slightly off dantes shoulders and fell into the water. dante came down with me because i had my legs wrapped around his neck.
i let go and swam to the top of the water and waited for dante the swim up after me. i looked around but i couldn't find him. "where's dante" nova asked hopping off scott's shoulders and flopped into the water gently. i looked around the water but couldn't see anything. then i felt someone grab my foot. i kicked my other leg in reflex.
dante swam up to the surface and held a hand to his cheek. "ow!" he said laughing my eyes widened.
"i'm so sorry, oh god you scared me" i said to him as i swam over to him. he looked at me and smiled.
"it's alright" he chuckled "your thunder thighs almost busted my head open." he said laughing. i laughed and then looked him over to make sure he didn't have any marks on him from me kicking him in the face. i nodded and looked over at nova and scott. they were just staring at us. "what..?" dante said looking at them as well.
scott smirked and started to swim to shore. i looked at dante and shrugged. we all swam to shore and rested on the sand until we were kind of dry. we then walked up the long steps and got to the van. "i don't want to get my clothes wet" i said looking through my stuff.
"i didn't pack a towel" i said looking at them all.
"i forgot" nova said shrugging and giggling. "maybe dante can give you one of his shirts" she said smirking a little. i looked at her confused then i looked up at dante. he smiled and took out one of his big t-shirts and handed it to me. it was black with Bob Marley on it. scott just put on some sweatpants and gave nova a shirt as well.
"thank you" i said to him as i slipped it on. it fell just above my knees. "you're like a fucking giant" i said to him and laughed.
"you know what else is gian-" scott started but dante punched him in the arm.
"shut up pipsqueak you pack a 2 incher." dante said laughing and hopping into the passenger seat quickly. nova and i stared at each other and laughed.
scott just looked at us "i-i dont!" he said stammering. he then climbed into the back seat and nova after him. i got into the drivers seat and sighed. i looked over at dante "where to next?" i said to him.
"i'm guessing we're all hungry" he said looking back at nova and scott. they nod and i smile.
"let's go to the nearest restaurant" i say looking at dante. "wait- scott don't you have food in the back." i hear scott grab a styrofoam take out tray. he opened his door and tossed it out.
"no" he said looking at me. i shake my head and look at nova. she rolled her eyes and smiled
"there is one in about 6 miles" dante said holding up his phone "it's the closest one, it's called 'bees burgers'" he said looking at me.
"sounds good, buckle up everyone" i said smiling and turning on the van. i pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive once again.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter! vote and comment pleaseeee and tank chu. :))

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