꧁Chapter eleven꧂

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there was a parking lot made for cars to park so the tourists could get out and view the crash safely. carmen pulled the van in between two small cars "can y'all get out or am i to close?" she asked to make sure that when they opened the door they wouldn't hit the car next to them.
"you're good" scott said looking out the window and opening his door all the way accidentally hitting the car. "fuck, nevermind. different spot!" he said closing the door quickly and tapping the seat the carmen was sitting in.
carmen sighed and pulled out of the parking spot carefully and finding a free spot on the other side of the parking lot. as the group got out the warm air hit them like a wave.
"oh jesus it's hot" kaden said getting out of scott's door and fanning himself with his hand.
scott looked at him then started to fan him with his hands as well.
"here my king" scott said bowing down and continuing to fan him. they all laughed and started walking towards the site. carmen and nova were leading the group towards the spot.
there were built in steps to get down the hill safely. it was steep but they managed to get down without anyone tripping. there was a velvet rope surrounding the crashed plane so nobody would go to close. they walked over to the person explaining the situation of the plane.
"this here folks is the astro plane of 1940, it crashed due to an eruption of the engine" the tour guide said
they all walked around passing the tour guide and moving on to another side to view it. only a few minutes pass and they all head back to the van.
dante was up waiting by the van before them all and was waiting for carmen to unlock it. as soon as she did he climbed into the front seat and huffed. they all got into the car. carmen in the front and the others in the back.
carmen looked at Dante "you okay?" she asked him.
dante looked at her and nodded "it's just really warm, i feel like i'm gonna faint. plus i'm struggling to grasp the fact that scott's dick is so small" he said laughing.
scott gasped and looked at him "what the hell!?" he shouted. kaden snickered and looked at scott. scott looked back at him with an angry face. kaden immediately stopped laughing.
"oh suck it up micro" nova said buckling up and smiling.
"i'll show you! it's not small!" scott argued. carmen turned on the car and smiled.
kaden patted scott's back and nodded "i believe you bud" he said smiling trying not to laugh.
carmen blasted the air conditioning and looked at dante "let's go to that ice cream place nova told us about." she said smiling and pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.
dante nodded and looked at her smiling. it seemed that they just couldn't stop looking at each other and smiling. like an addiction.
meanwhile in the back scott put his arm around kaden and crossed his legs leaning back in his seat and sighing "ahhh, so relaxing" he said closing his eyes and smiling. kaden looked down at him and smiled a little.
nova made a confused face "scott why do you-" she started and then shook her head "nevermind" she added and looked out her window.
they drove for a while until they found the ice cream store. "i need one other person to go in with me, to help carry all the ice creams out." carmen said smiling.
"me-" nova was cut off my dante as he got out of the van already.
"i'm on it!" he said running into the ice cream parlour. carmen looked at nova then at dante she then shook her head and looked at the group in the back.
"what do you want?" carmen asked them all.
"i'll have a vanilla cone" nova spoke up.
"me too!" kaden said "but make it a swirl, chocolate and vanilla" he smiled proudly.
scott looked at them both shocked "wow y'all are basic, get me a banana split with 3 piles of whipped cream 3 cherries chocolate and carmel sauce and a handful of nuts" scott said looking at carmen and smiling. kaden looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"okie dokie then, we'll be back in a bit" carmen smiled and hopped out of the van and ran inside with dante.
nova looked over at scott "basic?!" she shouted at him.
"yeah got a problem, you basic!" he shouted back and laughed.
nova scoffed and looked at him "come here right now"
"why" scott replied.
"just come here" nova said with a crazy face.
"no you're gonna hit me" scott said looking at her. kaden was sitting in between them both.
"i-should i leave..?" kaden said looking at them.
"no! stay!" scott looked away from nova and looked at him. "don't go".
kaden nodded and sat back while looking at them. nova huffed and sat back in her seat crossing her arms.
"sorry if i offended you" scott said to kaden "i'm not sorry to nova though" he added with a smirk.
"oh shut up!" she yelled and looked away. she got angry quite easily even though she was bubbly most of the time.
carmen and dante came out of the building with ice creams and one banana split. nova opened her door and took the two ice creams for her and kaden and passed the banana split down to scott.
carmen and dante climbed into the front seats and looked back at them "any good?" carmen asks.
they all nod together as scott's in the corner munching away. "thank you" they said one at a time. carmen nodded slightly and turned around to look at dante.
"what about you?" she said "any good?" carmen added talking to dante.
"i'm not sure try it" he said offering her some of his ice cream. carmen moved close to it to lick a little off the side, dante pushed the ice cream up so that it collided with her face. carmen jumped back with ice cream all over her nose and chin.
dante erupted in laughter "oh my god! i can't believe you fell for that!" he said continuing to laugh. the three in the back seat were oblivious on what was happening.
carmen looked at him "there's no napkins!" she yelled at him. she slumped in her seat and pouted.
"awwwh" dante said looking at her. he took his thumb and wiped some ice cream off the bottom of her chin then licked it off his finger. "mm, it does taste good" he chuckled. carmen looked up at him. dante got closer to her and kissed her nose gently taking some ice cream off along with the kiss, he licked it off his lips then looked at her. "i think you could lick the rest off." he said.
carmens face was a bright red as she tried to lick off the rest of the ice cream. "did i get it all?" she asked dante looking at him. he took his thumb and graced her cheek gently with it to remove the little bit left.
"now it's all gone" dante said smiling and looking at her. kaden, scott and nova were staring at them in silence.
"so, are y'all gonna...fuck?" scott said looking at them with whipped cream on his face everywhere.
"scott!" dante screamed at him. carmen just giggled and started the van and pulled out of the parking lot continuing to lick her ice cream slowly.
hours past everyone has finished their dessert and carmen is still driving "um, where are we even going?" nova looked at carmen in the front.
"huh...i have no idea. it's already 6:00 it's soon dark" carmen replied looking at dante. dante pulled out his phone.
"fuck," he mumbled "its dead" he said tossing his phone onto the ground.
carmen looked at him for a moment then back at nova then back at the road again "what about any of y'all back there?" she asked.
"i left mine home.." kaden said looking at her
"cool me too!" scott said high-fiving kaden "the vibes are immaculate my brother" he added laughing.
"anyway..." nova said "i can't find my phone, it's probably packed away with the camp things. what about you?" she asked carmen.
"same with me!" carmen replied looking around for a place to pull off. "we'll have to drive for a little while to see a place okay?" they all nodded.
she drove for a little while longer until she found a small recreation park. "let's chill at the park!" scott yelled and pointed "they got swings!" he smiled.
carmen pulled over and stoped the car. "okay come on let's go play in the park kids" she laughed getting out of the car.
they got out and dante pulled out his bag of weed and looked inside. 6 more left. 'just enough for all of them plus one'. he thought.
the group climbed over the gates going into the park. nova and scott raced to the swings. kaden sat in the grass along with carmen and dante.
"i got an idea!" dante announced pulling out his paper bag and looking at them "let's get fucked!"
scott stopped swinging immediately and ran to him. "gimmie!" he sat plopping down next to kaden. nova got off the swing and walked over to them
"i guess i'll join, but i've never smoked before" nova said sitting next to carmen. dante passed out a weed to each person.
"it's okay, i'll keep you safe" carmen chuckled and looked at her while taking one. when everyone got one they passed around the lighter. carmen had to help light up nova's because she was having trouble.
nova coughed as soon as she inhaled on the cigarette. everyone laughed and watched her. "don't bully me" nova pouted.
they all sat in a circle and smoked until they were high, it took dante two of them to get to his peak. soon they were all a laughing mess. nova had taken off her shoes. dantes shirt was off and hanging off his shoulder because he was warm. kaden and scott were just talking privatly to each other and carmen was barley high. but still enough to make her loopy.
"let's play the secret game!" nova suggested.
"yes!" scott said turning to the group.
"what's the secret game?" kaden asks them all. carmen smiles.
"it's a game we've all played since we were kids, we spill a bunch of secrets." carmen said looking at them all and folding her legs criss cross in the grass.
"okay let's play" kaden said smiling "who's first?" he asked them.
"me!" nova screamed and shot her hand up in the air. "so~ my secret is that i lied about this being my first smokeeee" she laughed and everyone gasped.
"wow" dante said laughing "who next?" he added. scott leaned over and took the last weed out of the bag and lit it up and started to smoke more.
"i'll go" carmen said smiling and looking at them. "my secret is that.." she looked at dante then at the rest of the group "i really don't know where the fuck we're going" she laughed.
everyone looked at her and laughed "what!?" dante said laughing. he shook his head "i guess i'll go next" he said. "my secret is," he looked at carmen for a quick second then at the ground "i think, i'm in love" he said continuing to stare at the ground.
"oh my god" nova said looking at him "it's carmen isn't it!" she squealed.
carmen looked at dante "is that true?" she said. dante just shrugged and scratched the back of his neck.
"yeah maybe" he said looking at her. he cleared his throat and looked around the group "u-uh kaden, your turn"
"oh goodie" kaden said chuckling "i guess my secret is that, i'm gay?" kaden said looking at them.
"honey we been knew" nova said laughing. a smile spred across kadens face.
"i got you all beat!" scott said "im bisexual and i like kaden!" he shouted. everyone went silent and looked at him.
"I fucking knew it! my gaydar never fails me!" kaden said looking at him.

heheh oops ;)

check out my new book! "the money man"!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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