꧁Chapter Ten꧂

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the group woke up early today. scott was the first out of the tents. carmen has put out the fire before going to sleep that crazy night. scott wanted everyone to wake up with him so he went to the van and tried to open it. turns out the passenger door was unlocked. he went inside and looked at the tents. he then laced on the van horn sending a loud beep throughout the camp. carmen was the first to jump out of her tent and check to see what was happening. once she realized it was scott she flipped him off and rolled her eyes. "you bitch!" she screamed at him. scott wheezed in laughter. dante was alerted out of the tent when carmen jumped up. they both stood next to each other and looked at each other then looked away quickly. nova and kaden came out of the tent next rubbing their eyes and then looking at scott.
"you fucking idiot!" nova screamed in a whiny voice, she was still tired obviously. but kaden just laughed. while everyone else was angry at him he laughed.
scott smiled "seeee! kaden gets it right buddy!" kaden looked at him and smiled slightly while nodding.
"whatever-" carmen said "time to pack up and get back on the road folks" she added looking at dante and then going back into the tent. dante sighed and went over to the van.
"scott, i have something very important to tell you" dante started while looking at him.
"you fucked" scott said looking at him smiling.
"i- no!" dante said rolling his eyes. "i kissed her...but i messed up and made it awkward, i was a pussy. i went to sleep-" he added looking at him.
"no-" scott gasped shockingly "you went to sleep!? you stupid dick" scott said looking at him and shaking his head.
"i know i know, and now it's awkward and she won't even look at me..i don't know what to do" dante said looking around to see if anyone is listening. but they were all in the tents packing up.
"just..i don't i don't know, talk to her?" scott said confused.
"fuck you're no help" dante said looking at him then walking away and back to the tent. he walked in looking at carmen.
she was silent while rolling up her sleeping bag. it was on the other side of the tent away from him.
"....hi" dante managed to spit out. carmen stopped rolling her sleeping bag and looked at him.
"hi" she said smiling a little at him. dante smiles awkwardly back and started rolling his sleeping bag up not saying another word. "...um," carmen spoke up again "don't be sorry okay?" she looked at him "i enjoyed it" she added.
dante looked at her with wide eyes, he cleared his throat and nodded "yeah yeah okay," he nodded "u-uh me too" he said looking at her and smiling.
meanwhile in the other tent scott finally got out of the van to help with the sleeping bags and things. "we're gonna take turns changing in here right?" nova said as she finished rolling up her sleeping bag. scott and kaden nodded together as they put their rolled up sleeping bags to the side. "i go first!" nova called as she ran out of the tent to go get her clothes.
scott looked at kaden as he played with the bottom of his shirt. "so..um, you're gay?" scott said as if that's the only conversation he could make.
kaden looks up at him and laughs. "yes i am" he smiled "i know i don't really fit the image but ya know." kaden said smiling. scott nodded. "and you?" kaden added,
"and me what?" scott said looking at him confused.
"y-you're gay too?" kaden said worried he got him wrong. scott's eyes widened.
"u-uh no no um no, you got me all wrong i'm not, no. why would you think that. do i look like it-" scott stammered and his face turned red.
"oh- oh my god i'm sorry, i just thought you were, you had that vibe" kaden said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"it's fine.." scott said getting up slowly. just as he did nova entered the tent with a change of clothes.
"get out stinky beans" she said laughing. they left the tent and waited until she got dressed. they got their clothes and took turns changing.
dante was outside his tent as well waiting for carmen to change. she walked out and smiled at him as to say 'your turn'. he changed into new clothes for the day as well as everyone else.
once everyone was dressed and ready they helped each other take down the tents and load their things into the back of the van. one by one they all piled back into the car. carmen got into the drivers seat and nova sat in the passenger seat next to her. the three boys sat in the back of the van.
"so now where to next?" kaden asks. everyone is looking at nova as she pulls up her phone.
"let's see..." she starts as she goes through the map. "there is an airplane crash site not far from here, and an ice cream place close by that" she added they all looked at her and nodded.
"that's fine with me" scott said smiling and looking at kaden and dante. "what about y'all"
dante shrugged.
"whatever carmen wants" dante said unexpectedly. carmens face turned a light red.
"yeah i'm fine with it" carmen said quietly. kaden looked at them all and smiled.
"i love the idea!" kaden shouted, "let's gooo" he added bouncing in his seat.
"oh god, you're just like scott." dante said looking over at scott while they both bounced together. he shook his head "yes we definitely needed that."
carmen started the car and started driving. the long road extending further into the distance. she flicked on the radio and let the music flow through the car. 'maps' by maroon 5 started playing.
"ew, this song is shit!" dante said trying to make his voice louder over the music. it wasn't hard to hear him because of his deep, raspy voice.
"hey! don't diss my tunes!" nova said getting defensive.
"this is white people music, pass me the aux baby" dante said leaning forward talking to carmen, he held out his hand for the aux.
"huh?" carmen replied "i can't hear you!" she added while turning up the music louder. it was something to let nova dance to. this whole ride nova hasn't liked any of the music. she wanted her to at least get one of her favourite songs in.
dante shook his head and sat back in his seat. nova was sitting in the front seat boucing around, once the chorus came in she screamed the lyrics and head banged viciously. everyone watched her confused.
"is this normal?" kaden whisper yelled to scott so he could hear him.
scott turned his head to look at kaden not realizing he was so close. he was inches away from kadens face when he nodded "yup..." he said staring at him. kaden nodded and turned away to look out the front window.
carmen had rolled down all the windows so the wind was blowing around them viciously. dante was hanging onto his durag for dear life. carmen was laughing while singing along with nova. just completely forgetting the world around them.
after about 10 more songs and dante arguing with scott for 20 minutes they finally arrived to the airplane crash site.

i thought i would put the airplane crash site visit in the next chapter so that i could fit what i wanted in there without going over my usual word count. sorry if you wanted here! 😔

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