꧁Chapter Seven꧂

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the group of friends continued walking down the long road. all now in single file because the side is to thin to walk two by two.
"fuck man, pass me a weed or somethin" scott said to dante while fanning himself with his hands. dante shook his head.
"nah, that'll make you sweat more. what you need sir, is water" dante stopped walking and took the backpack off his back and opened it up. he took out a water bottle and handed it to him.
"i'm so sick of walking" scott whines and took the water bottle out of his hands gently. he chugged the whole thing down and threw the empty bottle over the side of the highway.
"dude! save the turtles dingus!" nova shouted as she watched him throw it. carmen stopped and turned around to see what was going on.
"everything is fine! let's just keep walking" dante shouted. "we're almost at the restaurant, maybe they'll have service." he added zipping up is backpack and continuing to walk. soon dante was up next to carmen. they walked and dante put his arm over her shoulders. he was basically leaning down to her height trying not to be awkward.
carmen shook off his arm and kept walking. "i'm too warm" she said looking up at him and smiling. he nodded and just kept walking.
soon they all came to the restaurant known as 'bees burgers' they entered the building as the cool air from the air conditioner hit them all. they all let out a quiet moan of happiness from the cool air that hasn't touched them in at least an hour.
carmen went up to the front desk and smiled at the person standing behind it "hi, table for four please and thank you" the person nodded and guided the friends to a booth.
carmen sat next to dante and scott next to nova. "a waiter will be with you in a moment" they say as they leave them with menus.
the group leaned back and sighed.
"anyone got service?" nova asked them, "i dont" she added looking at her phone and then putting it back down. dante took his phone out and shook his head.
"nope nothing." he said sighing. "and my phone is on 40%." he added putting his phone down and looking at them all.
"me either." carmen replied "anyone got a charger?" they all shook their head "really!?" she said shocked. she shook her head and put her phone down.
"so what now" nova said scott put down the menu he was looking through the whole time.
"we eat" he said smiling and pointing to a grilled cheese cheeseburger. dante looked at it.
"dude that thing is huge-" dante said looking at the picture.
"that's what carmen said" scott said looking at carmen.
"i what-" carmen raised an eyebrow and looked at him.
"nothing" dante said smacking scott upside the head. scott rubbed his head and laughed. nova and carmen just stared at each other confused.
"okay...whatever." nova said picking up her menu slowly and looking through it. the waiter came over to them.
"hi guys! my name is kaden, i'll be your waiter this evening." the waiter said smiling at them and taking out his notebook. he had dark black hair. it was greased heavily and slicked back. he had a soft jawline and thin pink lips. his eyes were a light blue, almost grey. nova lifted her head from the menu and looked at him. her eyes widened.
"i-" she started but couldn't get out what she wanted to say. she was shocked by the appearance of this very attractive man. carmen was already staring at him looking him up and down.
"hi..." she said sweetly looking back to his eyes.
dante and scott looked at the girls and then at each other, they laughed then looked at kaden.
"how are you fine folks doing today" kaden said taking out the pencil to start writing orders on the notebook.
"i'm amazing." nova managed to spit out "what about you" she said staring at him. kaden let out a small laugh. he obviously gets this all the time.
"i'm good. now what would you all like?" he said smiling at them all. scott raised his hand.
"me first!" he said like a child he smiled bouncing in his seat. he pointed at the grilled cheese cheeseburger. "this please, with a large coke" he added. kaden nodded and went around to everyone.
"and you darlin'" he said to nova smiling. she quickly flipped through the menu.
"t-this thing" she said pointing at the special for the week, the bacon burger extreme.
"of course" kaden said writing it all down. "drink?" he added looking at her.
"yes please" she said looking at him.
he chuckled "no no, what kind do you want" he smiled.
"oh- i-" her face turned red as she looked at the menu "j-just a water" she said looking away.
kaden nodded and looked at dante. "now, your turn" he said pointing to dante with a pencil. dante wasn't fond over carmen gawking over this kaden guy.
"a taco salad with water for the drink." he said making his voice slightly deeper. scott looked at him.
"you definitely need some water with that fucking voice man" scott said wheezing.
kaden let out a small chuckle after writing down the order and turned to carmen. "and last but not least you, pretty lady" he said looking at her and smiling.
carmen blushed. "i'll have the same as her" she pointed to nova smiling. kaden nodded and wrote it down.
"mmhm.." kaden said smiling then glancing back up at her from over his notebook.
"your food won't take long, i'll be back with drinks" he said leaving the table after taking the menus and going to the back room.
carmen looked at nova and they giggled together. scott and dante looked at each other and mocked their giggles.
"he's not even that hot guys" dante said rolling his eyes and folding his arms. they all looked at him.
"bro what." scott said "i think he's fucking hot" he said. everyone's attention was now on scott
"what? i can't think a guys hot??" he shrugs and leans back.
carmen looked over at the doors leading to the kitchen, she watched as kaden left the kitchen. he caught her glance and shot her a quick wink and went to getting their drinks.
dante watched as carmen stared at the attractive boy. he bit the inside of his lip looking at carmen then wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "this okay now?" he asked her smiling.
carmen looked up at him and smiled "yeah.." she said then looking down biting her lip. dante then wrapped both arms around her pulling her into his lap.
"dante what are you doing-" she said raising her eyebrow confused. she turned to the side and looked at him.
dante shrugged "i don't know, hugging a friend" he said smiling at her then looking over at kaden.
scott and nova looked at each other "what in the fuck" nova whispered to him.
"i'll tell you later" he whispered back to her chuckling. kaden came back to the table with the drinks and laid them down in front of them.
"here you go." he said smiling. carmen slipped off dantes lap and looked at carmen she took her water off the tray and put it in front of her. they all took their drinks. carmen looked up at kaden and spun her straw around in her drink slowly. kaden looked at it then her and licked his lips then looked at everyone else, "your food will be out in a minute" he said, slowly leaving the table smiling. dante looked at carmen.
"what are you tryna do?" he asked her raising an eyebrow.
"getting my man, what are you doing" carmen snapped back looking at him.
he looked at her shocked then rolled his eyes. "alright homie" he said chuckling.
scott looked at dante "bro here" scott took the lemon that was on the rim of his cup and threw it at him.
"dude!" dante yelled "you got lemon juice on my pants!" he added looking back up at him. scott was laughing along with nova and carmen. dante crumpled up a napkin that was resting on the table and threw it at scott.
a few minutes pass by and they're all still waiting. "god i'm starving" nova said groaning and laying her head on scott's shoulder. carmen looked at them
"aww" she said aloud looking at them. scott looked at her disgusted and pushed nova off him.
"ew no" he spoke up looking at carmen then nova. nova furrowed her eyebrows
"well fuck you too" she said rolling her eyes and leaning her head against the wall instead.
dante looked at carmen and then her hand, resting next to her side. he slowly moved his hand closer to hers but before he could touch her small hand kaden game back to the table with a tray of food.
"here ya go folks!" kaden says laying down the tray. "enjoy! i'll be here somewhere if you need me" he added looking at carmen and walking away.
they all ate up what they had, and had double of what they ordered for their drinks. soon it turned 6pm. they needed to find somewhere to rest before looking for more help with the van.
they'd find it eventually.

heyyy i just wanted to say that kaden will now be apart of this story! this is what i imagine him to look like;

but of course like always, you can imagine him however you want! and turns out that this book will have some romance! i can't help it i'm sorry 😊 hope you enjoy!~AngelX

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but of course like always, you can imagine him however you want! and turns out that this book will have some romance! i can't help it i'm sorry 😊 hope you enjoy!

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