I Find Out Who I Am

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I wake up and I look around. A pair of electric blue eyes stare at me. I sit up.

"What happened?" I ask Ryan,

"Oh nothing much, you passed out and some dracanea came after us" he said. Anger bubbles inside of me,

"You know I didn't expect this to happen? I never wanted this!" I get up and walk off.

"Tas! I didn't mean it like that!" He says, but me being me but I don't look back.

I come across a river, and I scream at it. It slowly parts creating a walk way between the rivers. I walk through and see a house. I run over and bang on the door. No one opens it. So i knock again. It opens and doves come flying out. They swirl around me and I feel myself move. I scream.

After what feels like forever I land and the doves fly away. A door opens and a lady comes out. She looks at me,

"Tas?" She asks. I smile!


Em Hardwicks POV (aka Tasmins mum):

"Tas sit down we need to talk!" I tell her. Slowly she sits down on the sofa and levels a stare at me. I know she hates me for not telling her about Poseidon but I had to hide it. "I am sure your farther has come to visit you! But the rest I need to tell you." I pause, "My grandfather is Hermes, and you... Ian's grandmother was Athena. When I met Ian I was not aloud to go out with him, otherwise I would not be part of my family, but I disobeyed them and when I was excluded from the family, so Athena blessed me and everyone who who would be in my family after me, including you. But as you know your... Ian left me for a while and I met Poseidon, I then got pregnant with you and Ian came back not wanting you to know until the time was right! Aphrodite also blesses every other generation in my family, and you are the generation that got it. Also Apollo when he heard about you from Poseidon murmuring about to iris he came to me, and he gave me a present for you. A bow and some arrows that you would be able to use!" I tell her. She looks pale and I want to hug her, but I can't. I head upstairs to get the present from Apollo and bring it down giving it to her. She takes it and runs her hands over the arrows.

Ryan's POV: as Tasmin walks off I'm about to go after her when I feel Pipers hand on my shoulder and she shakes her head. I sit back down watching her until she disappears. After a while Aaron wakes up, and looks to Tasmin, but notices she is gone. He looks at me questioning me, but before I can tell him, we hear a scream. I get up and run, and I know Aaron is next to me. We come to a river and swim across it. Doves fly around on the other side. I run to the house and look on the door. A note is there and it says, 'don't worry, I will meet you later carry on with the quest' I take it and scrunch it up knowing it is Tasmin. That girl has a mind of her own. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn to see piper carrying bags, she must have stayed behind to pack them. She is about to speak but something slams into the back of me.

Tasmin POV: I watch my mum, shocked as I run my hands across the bow. I lift it up and evil spreads around me. I take an arrow and point it my mum. Her face goes slack and scared. I try and fight of the evil but I struggle. Everything goes black and I see a person in the dark depths of the underworld. Hades. He turns and smiles evilly at me.

Aaron's POV: something slams into Ryan and he falls to the floor. I look at the creature and it is a hellhound. It came out of nowhere. I take out my sword that got given to me before we left camp and charge. Piper must be fighting aswell because I see movement near me. I slide under the monster and stab it down the middle. It disintegrates over me. I cough and stand up. Piper is leaning over Ryan, blood coming out his side. She is force feeding him nectar and ambrosia, mumbling to him, telling him everything is going to be alright and I believe her. His eyes flutter open and he looks at us. Clearly feeling a bit better. Piper sighs with relief. I help him up,

"Where is Tasmin?" He asks. I show him the note. He looks frustrated, "Let's move" he says.

"Wait we should contact camp!" Piper says. She fetches a golden drachma out of her bag and goes to the river. A small rainbow is there and she says, "O Irris goddess of the rainbow accept thy offering, camp half blood" and throws the golden drachma in.

I watch as the rainbow flickers and see Chiron Annabeth and Percy talking to Apollo in the big house. They mention Tasmin and I listen,

"She isn't with them any more, Aphrodite took her to somewhere, I can't do much more than that" Apollo says. Annabeth looks up,

"You have blessed Tasmin haven't you? That's why you know this!" She says. Apollo doesn't answer instead he looks at us,

"Hey mates how's the quest going eh? I want a poem on this when you get back" he says smiling.

Percy Jackson has a sister.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora