We Find The Lost Hero

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Tasmin POV: I sit up in bed having the same bad dream as always. I get up and go into the kitchen. Today we are trying to find a lost hero or something. I get some food and a drink. As I turn on the TV I look at the weather report. Horrendous thunderstorms have been happening all over in America. People houses have been lost and everyone is trying to find loved ones. I think of why this might be happening.

"Oh Styx. Zeus is angry about you!" A voice from behind sounds and I turn to look at Piper her face in shock at the TV. I get nervous knowing that he is after me, and will do anything to get me, even if it means destroying America. I look at Piper desperately, but she just says, "Let's get the boys and finish this quest" she sighs.

Leo's POV: I sit down watching Calypso plant flowers in the garden. At first she didn't like the city but she slowly got used to it. And when we got this house, we started to think about this business we had dreamed of. I would go back to Camp Half Blood, but they all think I'm dead. I sigh and get up. I'm about to head upstairs when there is a knocking on the door. A girl a few years younger stands there, her sea green eyes makes her remind me of Percy. Next to her a boy who looks like Jason stand there, and another boy stare at me. But the face that I look at is the girls face behind them, she is older than all of them and her eyes are forever changing colour. She smiles. Piper.

Tasmin POV: the boy who stood at the door looked nothing like I imagined. He was reasonably small and had curly brown hair. He was staring st Piper and smiled. I look at Piper and she was smiling back. The boy walked to her and hugged her. When he pulled back his noes was smoking and his hair was on fire. Immediately I got some water from the ground and poured it over his head. He turned around in shock and looked at me,

"Why did you do that? I was hoping to scare you!" He said smiling, he held out his hand to Aaron and Jason smiling as he introduced himself and they introduced themselves to him. He turned to me and said "Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, I suppose your a daughter of Poseidon or Neptune?" He said raising an eyebrow. Thunder sounded above us,

"I guess you could say that! Tasmin. Can we go inside?" I ask and we head inside.

Calypso POV: I come inside and see 4extra people in the living room. I smile at them and walk into the kitchen and make a cup of tea. Leo walks in and smiles guiltily at me.

"They are my friends! They want me back at camp! But I'm only going back if you will come with me!" He says. I look at him shocked.

Aaron POV: I sit awkwardly on the couch, not knowing what to do. I watch the others chatting quietly. Piper looks upset, Ryan looks calmish and Tasmin looks like someone stuck an iron bar up her back. I stare at her, and notice her eye colour has changed to black,

"Tasmin?" I ask, slowly walking towards her, she looks at me and smiles an unknown smile.

"Cover your eyes!" Piper says, I shield my eyes and Tasmin's. I feel a heat sorounded around us. I open my eyes a minuet later 2 people have appeared. One of them looks similar to Tasmin and her brother. The other sparks with tension.

"Brother leave Tasmin alone! Get rid of the ghost inside her!" The man in a Hawaiian T-shirt similar to Tasmin said. He looks angry and I realize he is Poseidon and the other man is Zeus. The ghost must have been sent by Hades.

"Brother you forget that this girl! This girl! Is dangerous, and it is all your fault!" Zeus says, his eyes sparkling with anger.

Leo POV: I hear loud speaking coming from the other room, and I take a peak out the door. Zeus and Poseidon stand there, glaring at each other. I look behind me at Calypso and see the colour has drained from her face. She sakes her head. I shut the door just before I hear

"Cover your eyes".

Percy Jackson has a sister.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن