No Poseidon Way

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Aaron POV

Holy Hera. How in Athena's name did she get there? She stand looking at the burning shroud for her and quickly puts the fire out using water.

"Is this for me?.." She asks genuinely confused. A few campers nod their heads. Percy hasn't looked up but Ryan is just staring at her in shock. I walk over and pull her into a hug,

"How in Hades are you alive?" I whisper,

"That doesn't matter but surely you would have known I wasn't dead by the fact my body left?" She replies. I'm about to answer when she pulls away and turns to Percy. She just hugs him and he kisses the top of her head. People start to walk to her and cheer and smile. She pulls away from Percy and hugs her friends. She then turns to Ryan and at last they finally kiss! Loud cheers come up from this and everyone is smiling.

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