I'm Sorry

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Percy POV

I wait at the edge of camp. Tasmin had jumped of a cliff apparently and been strucked by lightning. I just hoped they were wrong. I see them moving towards camp their faces glum... Oh Styx. I rush forward and see her breathing lightly and she is drenched,

"We were hoping it would heal her quickly," Piper quickly explains. I nod it was a good idea. Annabeth puts her arms around me,

"I'm sure she will be okay!" She says trying to reasure me but I can see her doing the calculations in her head. I look and see Ryan... His face seems to be a mixture of sadness, anger and guilt. His eyes lock on to me and an understanding drifts between us before he walks off. I sigh and head to infirmary to go and see her. When I get there Aaron sits looking at her his face emotionless and he holds her hand tightly like a life support. Apollo comes in, he looks pained,

"I can't help her... Zeus has forbidden me too," he says, I glare at him.

"I DONT CARE WHAT ZEUS HAS SAID! THIS IS MY SISTER AND YOU HAVE BLESSED HER YET YOU CANT HEAL HER? WHAT SORT OF GOD ARE YOU? YOUR MEANT TO HELP!" I shout, Annabeth gently puts her hand on my shoulder and I sit down. I hear mumbling but I don't pay attention, my first sister could be dead! If only it was me.

Aaron POV

Percy shouted at Apollo and he didn't take offence? What has happened? I sigh and look at Tasmin and stand up before walking out, saying to the on lookers to give them some peace. I walk out and look for Ryan. He is a coward for just running off. Yeah he saved her and everything but he just left her alone? And I thought he wanted to go out with her? I role my eyes and walk to his cabin.

Percy Jackson has a sister.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora