Unexpected Friends

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Leo POV: we had decided that we would go back to Camp Half Blood. I told Calypso that we would come back and start again in a few years when we are older. She seemed to actually agree with that idea. So we prepared to go. However I wasn't sure what to bring and what to leave. So as I started packing I ended up having to get the help from Tasmin who happened to be outside my room when my suitcase had exploded. Let me rephrase when I chucked everything in a untidy pile on top of the suitcase. When she saw it she laughed, but it was so similar to Percy's. I had hoped that I could ask her about all the gods thing yesterday but she seemed sad when people brought it up. As I watch her pack she seems to have amazing patience for someone who ADHD.

"Are you going to help me?" She asks. Her English accent is really strong.

"Why are you english?" I ask out of curiosity, but feel bad.

"My parents moved to england and I grew up there. Ish. I was always going around from school to school." She tells me. I watch her hands and notice she has finished packing. She stands up and leaves my room.

Tasmin POV: leo isn't that bad but he seems irritating. I leave his room and look for Aaron. I decided I'm going to sort out our friendship. As I look around the house I notice that there isn't much food or furniture. In the kitchen Aaron sits eating toast. I take a deep breath and walk towards him, he looks up and he smiles.

"Was wondering when you would come and visit me to talk about him! I was hoping you would come sooner but oh well!" He smirks. I glare, this is going to be a long talk. I sit and begin.

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