What In Hades

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Zeus POV

I had been watching Ryan stay with Tasmin and how he hates me, how he curses me. I reget what I did, my own family are hating me. So I did what I had to do and that was go and visit ny brother from below. I have always preferred Poseidon but when it desperate times I always go to visit Hades. As I walk into his realm and towards his palace I hear him and Persephone arguing.

"Brother? I need to talk to you!" I say and the convocation stops. Persephone looks at me before sighing and walking away,

"You want me to bring the girl back to life? Don't you?" He asks, smirking at me.

"Yes I do." I reply hoping he won't say anything else.

"I will only do it on one condition," he says. Damn.

"What is it you need?" I ask praying to myself that is won't be something to much,

"A throne on Olympus not a chair a throne!" He says grinning eveily. I sigh,

"Very well, you may have a throne on Olympus, but I would like you to do it discretely please!" I sigh and I flash back to Olympus. Holy Styx is this a good idea?

Tasmin POV

I feel a lot of pain still. My body feels like it has been stuck in a socket for days. I can hear people around me but I can't always make sense of them. I try so hard to move but I can't. I feel myself drifting. I open my eyes and I'm in a Hollywood acting studio. The door to an elevator open and Hades steps out. Everyone stops and stares at him. Wait the guy at the desk has no eyes, the people are sethrough am I dead? I think. Hades eyes latch on to me and he grabs my arm and takes it, pulling me into the underworld and dragging me to some doors.

"Tasmin, you have been offered a release but you can never tall anyone about it! Do you understand?" He says and he then pushes me through the doors and I am in Hollywood again. Great. A bright light flashes from behind me and I turn to see Zeus,

"Do not say anything just trust me!" He says and grabs my arm. We move at lightning spped to Camp Half Blood. When I arrive everyone is in the pavilion standing around a burning shroud. I push my way through,

"Who in hades died?!" I ask. Gasps are heard.

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