And They Live Happily Ever After

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Tasmin POV

I sit next to Percy on the Poseidon table, it had been a week since my death and I have been very busy, but tonight was capture the flag and everyone wanted Poseidon on their team, I really wanted to go with Ryan and the team he was on but Percy wanted to go with Annabeth so we had split up for the game!

Ryan POV

I still couldn't believe she was still mine but I was happy. My farther had come and explained everything to me and I had thanked him but not forgiven him. As we head to our place we had put Tasmin by the river and told her to do her magic. She just laughed and walked off with Aaron. They had become really close and so had her and Leo and Calypso. I smiled at her just before she left. The game begins and immediately a giant wall goes up blocking the other team from passing through. I smile thinking we are going to beat them easily. Of course I was right, but it was a very close call, Percy had managed to break the water and let a few people through including himself but he couldn't get back through. I sigh and put my arm around Tasmin. She leaned up and kissed me. When she pulled away something was in her eyes,

"What is it?" I ask,

"A new dream"

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