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Dark grins on the other side of the phone line. "What the fuck did you do with Ethan and Sean?!?" Mark demands. Dark chuckles sending a shiver down Mark's spine. "Dark, leave them alone." Mark demands. "Do you think it will be that easy?" Dark asked, his voice was smooth yet it made Mark uneasy. "You know where I am." Dark continued. Suddenly Mark was met with the beep of the phone hanging up. Mark knew what Dark was referring to...

(flashback to 10 years ago)

Mark was around 20 years old. He was alone in the woods. He just needed a break. He had been recording and editing for around 18 hours straight. Mark was about to drift off to sleep but then suddenly a dark figure appeared before Mark. Mark looked up "Who are-" Mark was interrupted by the figure. "I am Dark, the other will be arriving soon."Others?" before Dark could respond another person appeared. The new person leaned against a tree. He had a pink mustache, light yellow shirt, and light pink suspenders. He twirled a gun in his hand. "That's unsafe," Mark commented. The new person waved it off. Dark starts talking again "This is-". "Wilford Warfstache, Senior Reporter" The pink mustache man said, a crazed smile on his face. "H-hi" Mark says uneasily. "Wil, where are the others?" Dark asked Wilford. Wliford shrugged, still twirling his gun.

(flashback to a month ago)

Mark eventually met the others...Googiplier, The Host, Dr. Iplier, King of the Squirrels, and his most recent one Annus(I know that's not all the egos but those are all of them that I want to use in this story.) Most of the time they just stayed in his head talking. They were nice... at first. Eventually Dark wanted full control. After a long fight Mark won and Dark and the others left... Mark didn't know where they went, all he knew is that he was happy they were gone. About a week after they left Mark found a note saying they had gained enough power to be free and seperate themselves from Mark. The separation would only be temporary though, a few months at max.

(end flashback)

Mark felt guilty, he didn't know his friends would be involved. Mark ran to his car and started driving to the woods, where he first met Dark. 

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