1 - Different things

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Six years later

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Six years later....

Even on a bad day, Mia was lucky. The day Derek announced he didn't see a future with her, she had found the apartment of her dreams. She had been watching the renovation of the Victorian style home as she drive past every day on her way to work. With her car stopped at the red light, she looked over at its progress. Months before she decided to see inside the house even though she never expected to need an apartment.

The day the 'for rent' sign appeared in the front yard, she called for an appointment and secured a viewing on her way home from work. So in love with the design and craftmanship, she planned her argument to convince Derek why they needed to move. She never had the chance to give her speech.

When she walked into their apartment  he said, "I've been thinking we need a break."

"A break?" She repeated. Did she hear him?

"You want something I don't."

"What are you talking about?"

He had been the one to ask her to move in over eighteen months before. She had been living with her parents, so it made sense. He was nine years older, but she didn't feel the need to rush to the altar and didn't even hear her proverbial ticking clock.

"Everyone has been pressuring me from the beginning."

"Everyone, but me. Ignore my family. I do." She was the youngest — the baby. If she listened to her family's advice, she'd still be thirteen and dotting the I in her name with a tiny heart.

He shook his sexy shaved head. She had told him she'd touch it when he was still her doctor — her surgeon. That was the first thing she did when she met him again. She ran her hands on it like it was an eight ball. If she asked the question, 'will we have sex?', the eight ball would have responded, 'definitely'. Despite her sister's warning they became a couple. It was real, at least to Mia. It felt real when they were in bed and when he begged her for his favorite cookies — oatmeal raisin. They were a couple when they hung out with her sister Brenna and Noah. Her brother-in-law was Derek's close friend. Maybe he had been feeling pressure since her nephew Declan was born.

"Marriage isn't what I want. Maybe never. I think you should move out."


"Unless you want to sleep with me for old times' sake, but life isn't one of those sappy songs you like."

Biting her tongue, she wanted to say, if they had sex he would change his mind. Instead of crying, she stood frozen in disbelief when he walked out the door with his gym bag over his shoulder. The first thing she did was call the leasing agent to confirm she wanted the apartment. Then she packed a bag and drove to her sister's condo.

Brenna opened the door with Declan on her shoulder. Mia reached out and touched his back as she stepped inside. Her sister didn't notice her bag.

"Where's Derek?"

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