19 - How much?

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If Mia thought secretly being in love with half a man was bad enough things kept getting worse. She was under no illusion he would ever return her feelings. Oddly enough, she felt as if they had developed a strange friendship. It was not a friendship anyone would ever believe, but it existed.

The following Saturday night she watched as Ted went out. Was he going out with the woman who had offered to take care of him? Her confusion grew as Taylor bragged about being sat next to him at dinner. She thought it was a foregone conclusion they belonged together since all their hostesses put them together.

"Congratulations!" Mia lied hoping she hid her emotions. "You'll know you have a chance when he wants to spend the day with you and his son or at least that's the way it works in the books I read. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach or his child or both. Do you cook?"

"Mia, don't be naïve, it's not his heart I want. It's his name. If he loves me then all the better, but I'm sure I'll enjoy sleeping in his bed with or without love."

Mia felt a lot of things and anger and jealousy topped the list. Still, she had to take a play from Edward Calhoun's book and show absolutely no emotion.

If working with Taylor wasn't bad enough, she had another surprise visit from Elaine Calhoun. When Mia opened her door and saw her, she frowned. "I know you didn't knock on my door by mistake."

"No, I thought it was time we had a word woman to woman." The superiority in her voice was exponentially worse than when Ted was Edward.

Mia was still in her work clothes, so she felt far more confident than she had coated in flour. She stepped aside and let the woman in. Elaine's eyes swept around Mia's apartment and Mia's eyes followed her trying to see it from her perspective. Her laptop was open because she was reviewing a spreadsheet she hadn't finished during her workday. Her book and a few magazines cluttered the coffee table, but her kitchen was clean. Her furnishings were from affordable stores but didn't look like they came from Goodwill.

"How can I help you, Mrs. Calhoun? I don't believe Mr. Calhoun is next door."

"No, he's at home with our son. I'm on my way out for the evening, but I am tired of hearing my son talk about you nonstop. I want to know who you are and how much you want."

"How much do I want of what?" Mia wasn't stupid. Elaine meant money but why?

"How much money will it take to leave my husband and son alone?"

"I think you're confused. I am Mr. Calhoun's tenant. Nothing more. In fact, when I rented this apartment, I had no idea who my landlord was. I know Mr. Calhoun likes his privacy and doesn't want people to know he is talented enough to renovate this old house. I respect him, so I keep the knowledge he's my neighbor to myself."

"What about my son?"

"Your son likes the cookies I bake. I have been baking for years. It relaxes me and I enjoy sharing treats with others. I probably spend too much money on baking supplies, but I have never missed a rent payment or my other bills. I also haven't taken a cent from my father since I earned my degree, so I am financially independent and can spend my money on flour and chocolate chips if I choose to."

"He may use you, but he will never marry you. When he's had his fill of you in his bed..." She paused just long enough to assess Mia's figure. "He'll move on to someone worthy of him. There are women waiting in line."

Mia thought of Taylor and Victoria.

"I have never been intimate with Mr. Calhoun." Was it a lie or was it Ted dressed as Edward in the garden that night?

"I'll be watching you and don't forget it. For now, I don't want to keep my date waiting. I'm sure you know I am seeing a man wealthier and more powerful than Edward."

"Truthfully, Mrs. Calhoun, I know nothing about you or your boyfriend."

"Perhaps you've heard of him, Walter Leonard?"

Mia had to work to hide her shock. "Actually I have, but I also heard he is lacking in shall I say the manhood department." She hadn't, but she was sure a pervert like him was making up for something.

"I knew it! You have slept with my husband. Why else would you be comparing the two?"

"I most certainly have not. I only referred to your boyfriend and never mentioned your husband. I think you should go, you wouldn't want to keep a powerful man like Mr. Leonard waiting."

By the time, she shut the door she was shaking. The only thing that kept her from crumbling was the thought of Elaine telling her how her boyfriend couldn't hold a candle to her ex. Somehow it didn't surprise Mia. She suspected Ted was amazing in the bedroom, but she would never find out unless Taylor told her.

She waited up for Ted who returned late. Mia assumed he had to wait for his ex to come home from her date. She surprised him when she stepped out her back door.

"I didn't know your wife was dating that Leonard creep!"

His response was totally Edward. "Soon to be ex-wife, Mia."

She loved the way Edward said her name, perhaps because he rarely said it.

"She came to see me for a chat."

"What?" His face actually showed emotion.

"Yes, she thinks a lot of things which aren't true, including she can buy me. Your kind doesn't understand some of us don't have a need for obscene amounts of money. I make enough on my own to keep me happy."

"I'll talk to her." He sounded more like Ted. It was then she saw the gray in his eyes. She loved the gray.

"No, it's bad enough already. She hates me. What happens when she finds out who I am?"

"Who you are?" He looked confused.

"I'm the one you spoke up about at Celia's dinner."

"I don't care. She won't be my wife for much longer and I compensate her well for not being my wife. I'm not expecting you to wear a sign saying we're neighbors, but if people find out, they find out."

"But I so enjoy the Ms. Reilly and Mr. Calhoun game in public." She was serious. She liked to see how far she could push him.

He smiled. "That's fine by me, Ms. Reilly. As for your earlier question, I'll be very unhappy if the man spends time with my son. Good night, Mia."

"Goodnight Mr. Calhoun."

He laughed, as he disappeared into his apartment.

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