10 - Victorian Ted

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Mia hadn't seen Ted in days. The day after their night with Declan he was gone all day. Although she thought she heard him come in around nine, she was already in bed. Her weekend had been exhausting, but she impressed Noah with how she handled the teething.

"I might have been a wreck and I'm trained to deal with crises."

"Thankfully, my landlord offered to go buy the Tylenol and teething rings. Here, they're yours now."

Mia handed them over, but she never even offered to pay for his trip to the pharmacy. She also didn't tell her brother-in-law she was anything but calm and Edward Calhoun held his son all night. She would keep her new secret along with the one from the garden.

When she next saw Ted, she thought she was seeing double, almost. His twin was significantly smaller but had the same gray-blue eyes, although his hair was much lighter.  He also wasn't stingy with his smile.

"Hey champ, this is Ms. Reilly and if you're a good boy she'll give you cookies."

Mia laughed. "Nice to meet you."

He stuck out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Edward Calhoun."

"Of course, you are, but what should I call you?"

He looked at his father as if unsure of his answer. Ted smiled at him. "That's up to you champ." He looked at Mia. "He usually goes by Edward."

"Not Teddy?" Ted shook his head in a way that made her suspect it wasn't his choice. "Well then Edward it is until I come up with a special name like cookie monster."

He laughed a sweet little boy laugh and she couldn't help but smile. Even Ted smiled and Mia surmised he smiled a lot when he was with his son.

The little boy waved to her, and she called out to them. "I'll bake this afternoon."

Ted turned and smiled at her and she felt it through her entire body. She had to remind herself it meant nothing, except he liked her cookies.

Mia looked up as Celia rapped lightly on her office door and motioned her boss to come in.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I arranged a dinner with some of our larger donors for Friday night. I think it would be helpful if you attended."

She shook her head. "You know I hate all the fuss."

"It will be a small group. Monty will be there."

Mia laughed a nervous laugh. "We've established I'm not a suitable match for your son."

"Fine, but it's just dinner. Just throw on a little black dress and join us."

"What will I add to the evening?"

"People want to know how the foundation will use their money and who better to explain, than you."

"So instead of small talk, I can discuss figures." She said it in jest, but was partially serious.

"Yes, but I invited Bea, so you may enjoy yourself."

"Anyone else noteworthy?"

"I invited Ted Calhoun, but he's disappeared recently."


"Since his separation. Between you and me it was a match made in the boardroom not the bedroom although the woman was foolish not to hold on to him. Anyway, there are all kinds of rumors going round the worst are he has a woman hiding with an illegitimate child or two. I'm leaning towards the fact he has never enjoyed being the life of the party and probably is hiding from Elaine."

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