14 - Miz-Ily

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Mia woke late on Saturday morning to find a piece of paper slipped under her door. It stated her car had been towed and would be returned. She looked out the window and saw no vehicles in the back lot. She vacillated between being annoyed and happy Ted had taken care of it for her. Whichever she chose she'd have to wait until he returned.

She had three missed calls from Sage and couldn't understand what was so urgent on a Saturday morning.

"Oh my God, Mia!" Sage was in a tizzy.


"Teddy protected you last night!"

"It was no big deal my stupid car wouldn't start."

Sage would never know what it's like to drive a seven-year-old car — not a luxury one to boot.

"Your car?"

"Yeah, he offered me a ride. Obviously it wasn't out of his way." Mia laughed as she thought she was funny.

"He gave you a ride and put a total ass in his place. I told you he was a great guy."

"Who? In what place? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Walter Leonard was making suggestive comments about you and Ted told him to stop."

"I met the man. If his eyes were laser beams, I'd have third-degree burns from my boobs to my... you can guess."

"He's always been a pervert. If I had known Celia invited him, I would have warned you."

"Why didn't your mother tell me?"

Sage sighed. "She doesn't know. All the girls know and we look out for each other. He's a very powerful man, so no one would believe us."

"That's crazy! Has he? Does he do more than look?"

"He'll touch if he thinks he can get away with it, but we're too smart."

"I'm surprised Aidan hasn't confronted him."

Sage let out a nervous laugh. "Even he doesn't know. Leonard has connections with Mark's father who, you know is Aidan's ultimate boss so..."

Mia couldn't believe the cover up. "Who told you this?"

"My mother. Apparently my father was there. It upset her he wasn't the one to speak up. He defended himself by saying it was just a lot of talk. You know something about an old boy's club."

"Sounds like a frat, except they're decades past being pledges. So did all the men hear him?"

Mia had spoken to them intelligently. Her value to the foundation had nothing to do with her looks. Even Mr. Calhoun, the older one, had been impressed. "It makes no sense. There were far more beautiful and sexy women in the room."

"Stop selling yourself short!"

It was the truth. "He'd get a lot more if he groped Taylor."

"Speaking of Taylor. I'm surprised Ted drove you home, because I heard he was with her."

"Taylor wants him alright. She won't enjoy hearing my name associated with his. Did I tell you Ted doesn't want anyone to know we're neighbors? You have to keep it secret. I'm sure he's embarrassed to have a nobody for a neighbor."

"You aren't a nobody! My God, half those women probably paid your tuition with their face lift, tummy tucks and breast implants. I'm certain Taylor helped to buy your father's latest toy."

Mia laughed. "The Mustang."

She never once mentioned she was the daughter of Brian Reilly, MD. Celia may know, because she was at her brother's wedding, but Taylor probably didn't. Mia wondered if her father really did Taylor's boobs.

"Taylor might be disappointed, because Ted wasn't very interested."

"She is in tight with his ex. Why would he want to go there?"

"What's the deal with her?" Mia asked, trying to mask just how curious she was.

"Elaine used to be nice but catching Teddy went to her head. I think she loved the title, Mrs. Calhoun more than the man."

Mia had trouble believing how it was possible. She liked the man and not who he was. "How can people care so little? It's like everyone's an object."

"It's all about getting ahead socially. I'm lucky, because I have always had friends I can trust."

"Like Ted?"

"Yes, like Ted and others too. We've all known each other for our entire lives."

Mia confessed. "I've met their son."

"Really? They've done a good job keeping him in private. Truthfully, I'm surprised Elaine doesn't parade him around. She was a prima donna when she was pregnant. I only saw her with him once when he was a baby. She didn't act very maternal."

"Don't tell anyone but he helped me with Declan. He kept crying and Ted came over and told me it was his teeth. I had no clue what to do. He really saved me."

"I've been telling you he's a great guy. Sounds like he's let his guard down with you. He doesn't do that easily."

"I know he's big on privacy. He only acknowledges he knows me because I'm Aidan's sister. I wouldn't dare tell anyone. Little Edward likes my cookies."

"Mia, everyone loves your cookies."

When Ted came home, she gave him a few minutes and knocked on his door. He answered with a little head peeking out from behind his legs.

Mia smiled. "Hi there."

"Hi Miz-Ily!" (A/N Pronounced Miz I Lee or Ms. Reilly without the R sound)

Mia looked at Ted who shrugged. She thought it was cute. Ted had introduced her as Ms. Reilly and now she had a nickname.

She couldn't take the anger approach with his little mini me present. "Hey, you shouldn't have dealt with my car."

"Why? I have a great mechanic so..."

"For your pickup truck?"

"I own other cars." He sounded indignant.

"An entire fleet, I'm sure."

He scowled at her. "Not a fleet."

"Congratulations, you're the talk of the town."

"What now?" He was clearly annoyed.

"According to Sage, you were a gallant knight even before you gave me a ride."

"Oh Christ, why is everything a big deal?"

"Thank you, whatever the guy was saying I'm sure it wasn't nice. Why does he treat women that way?"

"Because he thinks he has the right to."

She shook her head and waved at Edward and turned to leave.

"Miz-Ily, more cookies."

"Later CM." He looked at her funny. "Cookie Monster."

As she walked to her door, she heard Ted's full natural laugh and smiled. He was a different man with his son.

It was late afternoon when she heard the tow truck returning her car. She ran out with her checkbook, but the driver insisted that there was no charge.

"What was wrong with it?"

"The alternator. It's good to go."

She thanked him and banged on Ted's door. He answered with a smile which disappeared when he saw her face.

"How much do I owe you?" She snapped.

"Nothing. I put it on my account."

"Not nothing, Edward! Just because you have more money than God, you don't need to treat me like a charity case. I can support myself just fine." Her voice was soft, but her message was clear.

"I'm sure you can, but call it payment for the cookies."

"That's ridiculous. Edward, I don't need or want your money!"

Once back in her apartment, she let out a lengthy breath. Why did he think she needed to be taken care of?  

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