18 - Dust

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Mia avoided Ted after her night with the cookie monster. While in his apartment,  she had done something stupid. Curiosity got the best of her, so after she tucked Edward in, she went into Ted's room. At first she just looked at the decor of earthy tones and the large bed similar to the scrumptious beds at Bea's house. Mia didn't let her mind wander to being in his bed, because that thought was too dangerous for her heart.

She found her way to the large walk-in closet. The man had a lot of clothes, but she easily found what she was looking for — three of them. Maybe they weren't the same since it had been six years. For all she knew Edward Calhoun bought a new tuxedo every year. It was interesting how women refused to wear the same dress twice, but men could wear the same suit over and over. She ran her fingers along the rich fabric of each and remembered her hands on his back as they danced and later kissed.

She smelled them one by one, but they had been dry cleaned. Next she went to his ensuite bathroom and smiled when she saw a pair of disposable contacts left on the counter. Lined up were five different aftershaves. She picked up each one. One she recognized from the night he helped with Declan. The last bottle looked expensive and French. When she put it to her nose the memory came flooding back. She could hear the fountain and feel his body against hers. Mia remembered every detail, as tears streaked down her face.

She may have been infatuated with Edward Calhoun for over six years, but  what she felt for Ted was not infatuation and there was nothing she could do about it. As she left his room, she gasped.  On his dresser, there was a decorated box with a gold ribbon hanging out of it. She walked to the box and opened it carefully. Inside were numerous pairs of cufflinks. The ribbon must have come out when he grabbed his links for the evening. The bigger question was why did he still have the ribbon?

When he came home she ran. She couldn't look at him, not with him dressed like Edward. Although he was in a suit and not a tux, he reminded her of the night she met him in the unlit garden.

Mia stood in her own bedroom and looked at the mask on the wall. Unlike her dress for the evening which she had borrowed from Sage. The mask had been a gift from Sage, so Mia could wear it to another masquerade. The mask glittered in the light, but it was missing one ribbon. Mia knew where it was.

Why had he saved the ribbon? Could it be the memory of their dance and kiss meant something to him?

On Monday afternoon, she was angry when she banged on Ted's door. He had a way of making her angrier than any person she knew. It surprised her he was home so early, but she was glad to have it out with him.

She heard him call out. "Come in."

She fumed and didn't even look at him. "Someone's been in my apartment and has stolen my dust!"

Ted smirked, and it made her angrier. "You wouldn't let me pay you for babysitting and you know I hate when you vacuum on Saturday morning, so I thought it was a win-win."

"But my home is private."

"And my housekeeper is a professional."

"I'm sure, but you didn't give me the opportunity to pick up."

"Pick up that's her job."

Mia sighed. "My mother always picks up before her house cleaner comes. She wouldn't want her to see things like, um, I don't know the bathroom trash or the mail on the counter."

"And you think the wealthy are strange. Why would you clean for someone who you are paying to clean? You could thank me and leave me to rest." His voice lacked its strength.

Ted wasn't the type of person who rested. He looked pale and was wearing pajama bottoms.

"Are you sick?"

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