24 - My date

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Mia was confused, because Ted had disappeared and Mr. Calhoun was back — not even Edward who smirked occasionally. She didn't understand what she did to cause his change. Did she cross a line when she had thanked him for his sizable donation to the foundation?

Part of her job was to process the donation in order to report each properly to the IRS. Most checks she barely looked at the name, but Ted's stood out both because of his name and the amount. It was a reminder they lived in two separate worlds.

He would only ever be one memory and many fantasies. Edward began dominating her thoughts and as she imagined his dominating control her insides turned liquid. Ted, she was certain was a gentle, slow and giving lover, but Edward would take her and leave her boneless. She wanted them both and could have neither.

He avoided her and if he was forced to see her he always had an odd vacant stare as if his mind was elsewhere. When his son stayed with him, she visited with Mrs. Rodriguez who was closed lipped about her employer. The only thing Mia gleaned from her was that the older woman disliked the boy's mother.

She proved to be a good friend and although Mia never confided in her, she must have suspected Mia lusted after her employer.

"That man is a fool if he doesn't notice you."

"I'm not in his league."

"Look where his league got him."

It was the first time the nanny had made a comment about her employer. Mia shrugged and turned to her little friend. "I'm baking more cookies, do you want to help?" He jumped up and down with excitement. She turned to her new friend. "I can watch him. I know it's later than you normally stay."

She hesitated for a moment, but agreed. Mia had watched the boy before. He was becoming quite an experienced baker. When his father arrived, he had flour on the front of his shirt. She stopped him before he ran to hug him and soil his suit.

"Hold on. You'll get Daddy dirty."

Edward looked at Mia. "Sorry, I was delayed."

He raised his hand, and she froze. Carefully he brushed flour off her cheek. She felt the pink rise into her face.

"Thank you." She blushed from the heat of his fingertips.

He nodded. "Thank you for keeping him."

"You know I love to spend time with him."

"If only his mother did." He spoke under his breath.

One of Mia's vices was speaking without thinking. "Why did you marry her?"

He stared for a moment, and she braced herself for Edward to tell her to mind her business.

"I mistook affection for love. It was also a business match and I can never regret it because of..." He cocked his head towards his son and she nodded. "Her priorities are clear and marrying Leonard is on the top of the list. I will fight her before my son lives with him."

Mia felt a surge of love for him, because he was a wonderful father. In their brief conversation he was Ted again and just as quickly he switched back to Edward as he led his son out the door.

The tempo at the foundation was a consistent buzz as last-minute details were being taken care of. Mia was not involved with the event except for receiving the checks, paying the mountain of bills and keeping the financial records in order. She was tired from the tension and was already looking for the event to be over.

One evening, she was heating a can of soup when she heard a knock at her front door. The only person who had ever knocked on that door was Elaine Calhoun. Mia opened the door bracing for an earful from the woman who hated her. Instead, Derek stood smiling at her. Oddly enough, she would have preferred Elaine — the devil she knew was better.

"Derek! What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk, Mia?"

"About your fiance?"

"Please, can I come in?"

Stepping aside, she watched as he walked past her. He smelled the same. She had lived with him and shared his bed, so she noticed little details such as his new shirt.

He looked her over, too. She had changed out of her work clothes and knew he must see her as a slob.

"I feel bad about how I treated you. I felt pressure and..."

"I didn't pressure you..." She was comfortable in their relationship but wasn't secretly picking out white dresses. "But pressure isn't your issue. I hope you have a happy marriage. Really, I have no hard feelings. We weren't meant to be."

"I sometimes wonder if I made a mistake."

"In less than six months, you asked a woman to marry you which you didn't do in two years with me."

"I know." He hung his head.


She was about to tell him not to feel guilty but her door burst open and a small boy came running towards her.

"Mia, I need a cookie."

Mia laughed as she captured him in a hug and lifted him into her arms. His father lingered by the door and looked from her to Derek. Derek looked at Ted too.

"I thought you said you weren't dating him."

"I'm not... not that it would be your business if I were."

Ted furrowed his brow and to her surprise stepped forward.

"Ted is my neighbor and his son is my cookie monster." She tickled him as he was still in her arms. The sound of his sweet giggles filled the air. She looked at Ted who smiled at his son. She spoke on a whim. "He's my neighbor and my friend. Did you have anything else to say? I meant what I said be happy."

"It's just I realized you may need a date for the, um, ball."

Before she could answer, Ted spoke up. "Mia is going with me."

Mia tried to mask her surprise, as Derek stared at Ted with an annoyed look. Mia put her little friend down. "Let me walk you to the door."

At her door, Derek leaned into her ear. "He'll use you and hurt you."

"Don't worry." She had heard it before, but at least Derek cared.

After Derek left, she turned around. "Thanks for saving me again, but I know you didn't mean it."

"What if I did?" His voice had a serious Edward kind of tone.

"People will talk." She protested.

"They are already talking."

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve the gossip."

"Nor do you."

"But everyone thinks... oh forget it."

"Mia, what does everyone think?" Edward demanded.

She mumbled. "That you're using me, because they all know I'm not good enough for you."

He shook his head. After a pause, he smiled. "I imagine you'll need to be there early."

She nodded. "I'm getting ready with Sage at the house."

"Save a dance for me." He lifted his son and walked out the door.

Mia knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. She wondered if he would realize they had danced once before.

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