6 - Grow up, Mia

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Mia woke early feeling tired and hungover, although she only had one glass of wine. She suffered from the loss of her fantasy. She had put the man on a pedestal for six years only to find him to be rude.  Mostly rude. Since he had attempted to help her with Derek.

Derek was already out with another woman. Granted, she was with another man, but she wasn't on an actual date. Derek most definitely was with a woman who highlighted every thing Mia lacked.

She was restless and began cleaning — organizing drawers which were already organized, wiping surfaces. She didn't want to think about Edward Calhoun, but she couldn't help wondering why he was living alone in a modest apartment. Obviously, he was no longer married or Sage never would have arranged the evening. She didn't know where the Calhoun family home or homes were located. She imagined they could have a brownstone in Back Bay or on Beacon Hill. Perhaps they had an estate hidden away in Newton or Weston like Sage or even in the woods of Dover which was next to where she grew up in Sherborn. Perhaps they had a massive home on a cliff overlooking the ocean on the north shore or a compound in Hyannis, although they weren't the Kennedy's. Celia talked about her friend's beautiful house on Nantucket, and she imagined the Calhoun's may have one, as well or perhaps Newport. The possibilities were endless, but nothing she imagined was half of a Victorian no matter how amazing the craftsmanship.

Without thinking or was it revenge, because Ted returned home to blare his music, she turned on her vacuum. She sighed at the pounding on her door and looked down at her leggings, bare feet and tee which wasn't long enough to reach her waist band before opening the door.

He scowled. "I thought we came to an agreement."

"We did, but you enjoyed your music last night." She tried to sound less annoyed than she felt. She was bothered nonetheless by his appearance. His eyes were once again gray-blue. Contacts must be responsible for the change. She wondered how vain he had to be to change his eye color. Mia preferred the gray, although they always gave her a haughty stare. His hair was not neat like the night before, but again she found it rather sexy. She found all of him sexy minus his personality.

"Nonetheless, I expect an apology in the form of baked goods and one more thing." He paused. "I request you don't report to Celia Whitby my current living arrangements. She tends to be a gossip."

"Why are you living like the other half?" She blurted it out. It was a burning question.

"Perhaps to see how the other half lives."

He turned on his heels and disappeared through his own door. As much as she didn't like him she found it entertaining to spar with him. Truthfully, his lack of a sense of humor was humorous.

She put her vacuum away and took out her recipe books, because she had cookies to make. When her phone rang, Brenna's face appeared.

"Are you okay, honey?" How did she know Edward bullied her? "I can't believe he's dating already! Do you want me to come over? Noah's sleeping or I'd invite you here."

"No, I'm fine."

"I'm so angry with that low life. Maybe Molly has some information. I'll call her." The call ended without a goodbye.

Mia scoured her recipe books looking for just the right cookies to make. She decided on Brenna's favorite peanut butter cookies. To make them fancier, she dipped half in tempered chocolate. The portion she would bring to work she set on a plate, but she packaged the others in a white gift box tied with a red bow.

When she knocked on her neighbor's door, she was just as glad he didn't answer. Looking toward the driveway, his truck wasn't parked. The ball was in his court as she left the box on the floor by his door. On second thought there was no ball, because they weren't playing a game. He was out of her league and she was his tenant.

She knew Edward would never date her, but Derek didn't. She wasn't completely surprised when his face lit up her phone. She debated not answering but knew he would call back.

"Why were you out with Edward Calhoun?" He hadn't even greeted her.

"Because he's a friend of Sage and Aidan's. How do you even know who he is?"

"From your ball." Derek had been her date for the foundation's event the past two years. It made the event more bearable. "Were you on a date?"

"Were you with your blond bombshell?" She wouldn't let him judge, when he was the one who dumped her.

"I asked you first."

"I am not in elementary school, so I'm not playing this game."

"Did you kiss him?"

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Come on Mia. Did Edward Calhoun kiss you?"

"No, he didn't kiss me last night. There. Are you happy? I guess you've replaced me. I hope she isn't looking for a commitment. Oh right, it doesn't matter, because neither was I."


"Don't Mia me! You don't have the right anymore. I hope you're very happy with her. One question, does she have a brain or were you just attracted to her breasts?"

"Grow up, Mia!"

"Actually, I don't care. Goodbye Derek."

She hung up and sighed. Maybe she should have said she had kissed Edward. It wasn't a lie.

No surprise, Sage called her. "Did you like Teddy?"

"Seriously Sage. He is so out of my league. We may live in the same house, but we're in different galaxies."

"I can't believe you're his neighbor. I'm dying to see the house, but I'll have to wait. We're at our gate. Our flight is boarding soon."

"Sage, don't get any ideas. He just tolerates me, and truthfully, he's not a very good neighbor."

"You're joking." She laughed as if Mia was a comedian.

"I'm not. He blares loud music late at night. I've had to sleep with my pillow on my head, because of mister high and mighty."

"Are you sure it isn't coming from another neighbor?"

Mia laughed. "Not when the wall we share is literally vibrating. I'm afraid my pictures will fall off the wall." Her inexpensive framed art she purchased at HomeGoods and Bed Bath & Beyond.

"I'd love to discuss this more, but they're calling first class."

Mia had never flown first class and never would. Did it matter Sage didn't believe her? Edward or Ted or whatever his name was would set Sage straight. He'd let her know he didn't like his neighbor.

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