13 - Theory

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Ted's theory about the need to knock another person down to get ahead had been proven. He was certain Mia would have Taylor's footprints on her shoulder the way the woman climbed all over her.

He had enough issues trying to stop staring at Mia. She commented about him being two different personas, but she looked like another person herself. She looked beautiful, not that she didn't in her sweatpants and ponytail. Freckles should be cute and not beautiful. She had an innocence about her which attracted men. He watched more than one appreciate her, including Walter Leonard when he cornered her. Ted was walking towards the corner just as they had called dinner.

Maybe the enticing thing about her was how she looked innocent, although he knew she wasn't. He had seen the man who upset her at the dinner with Sage. He looked older than Ted who had at least five years on her.

He found it amusing she had impressed his father who was not easily impressed. His father had even suggested wooing her away from Celia. Ted replied she may enjoy working for a nonprofit rather than a large business. His father said, "Anything's possible for the right price."

Ted countered. "Some people make choices for reasons other than money." Only recently had he dared to debate with his father.

"Like your altered business plan."

His father didn't agree with him, but Homestead was Ted's company. "There has been plenty of demand."

"But your margin."

"Is smaller in the residential business."

"Still those old buildings require so much work. They should be torn down. You'd turn a bigger profit."

And create tons of waste with no place to put it. "Sometimes there are responsibilities beyond profits. Paul has no complaints."

It disappointed him when he was seated next to Taylor. Although he could easily have her in his bed, he wasn't interested. She was part of Elaine's group of friends and fished for information to pass on to his ex-wife. Thankfully, Mia had not let on they were anything more than mere acquaintances. What Ted wasn't certain of was if they were friends.

Dinner ended and, as if scripted by a public television drama, the men and the women separated. He drank aged cognac in a room full of pompous arses. He didn't mind business discussions, but the conversation flowed to the women and Walter Leonard explained crudely what he would like to do to, not with, Mia.

He was a bastard, and Ted refused to listen. "Her brother is my friend, so I'll speak for him and ask you kindly to show her respect. She impressed my father with her financial expertise."

He looked to his father hoping he would bail him out. He simply added. "I agree with my son." Then he turned back to Bill and continued discussing the new starting pitcher.

He didn't want word to spread he had defended her, but the man had made obscene comments. He really hated how no one else spoke up.

When the men ventured back to the women, he found his mother deep in conversation with Mia. He smiled because his mother was talking about his son. Mia said, "He sounds like a wonderful little boy."

It relieved Ted she didn't admit to knowing him. Exhausted from the deception, he searched out his hostess to thank her. After kissing his mother, his eyes scanned the room for Mia but didn't see her.

He found her at the front entrance waiting for her car. The parking attendant spoke softly to her, and she sighed.

"What's wrong?"

She mumbled while looking at her feet. "My car won't start."

"Leave it. You can call a tow in the morning."

Another attendant said, "Sir." His truck was in front of the door.

"Come on."

She walked a few steps behind him and climbed in as he held the door for her.

She spoke first. "I can't believe Edward drove Ted's truck tonight."

"Truthfully, I forgot to arrange a car."

"Don't you have an assistant for that?"

"Yes, but I forgot to mention it. Perhaps Ted wanted to break out."

"Who are you?" Mia laughed.

"I really don't know." He didn't laugh, because the confusion puzzled him.

When they arrived home, he assisted her out of the truck. She carried a large bag. If she were his date, he would have offered to carry it.

"Good night Mia. You looked very nice tonight."

She didn't smile. "Thanks for being my knight in shining armour. I must get inside, because I turn back into a common girl at midnight."

Ted frowned, the last time he thought of a fairytale, a mysterious princess was running away from him.

Mia may not be a princess, but he took it upon himself to arrange for his mechanic to tow and repair her car. Ted trusted Benny to take care of it. He left without seeing Mia but left her a note about her car.

Elaine was waiting for him. She had summoned him, because she had a brunch. He wanted to take Edward home with him, but she was being difficult.

"I want him home."

"Fine. He can stay home tonight. I'm taking him to Weston tomorrow. My mother misses her grandson."

Elaine was smart enough not to criticize Grace Calhoun. His father could be difficult, but his mother was kind and easygoing. They proved the opposites attract theory. Trey's parents did, as well. The only softie on the street was Bill Petersen, although it disappointed Ted he was too engrossed in a baseball discussion to defend his daughter's sister-in-law.

Elaine returned from her brunch at two. He didn't bother to ask where she was but guessed it involved some kind of spa treatment.

"Is it true?" She practically spat her words. Her stance with her hand on her hip was as if she was ready to pounce.

"Hey Champ, go play in the other room." He watched his son leave before he turned toward Elaine. "What did I do now?" He never made her happy.

"Did you embarrass yourself with Walter?"

"Who told you I saw Leonard?"

"Taylor was at brunch. She said everyone was whispering after you left... early."

"I stayed for cognac."

"What did you say?"

"He was crude, and I spoke up."

"Why would you do that? Are you sleeping with the girl whoever she is?"

He shook his head. "I hardly know her." It was not true. "But she's Aidan's sister, and I owed it to him."

"Walter is a powerful man. Any girl would be glad for his attention."

Ted disagreed but wasn't about to argue with the insane. She added, "If you want him tomorrow, you might as well take him for the night."

Ted stared at her. It was what he had asked when he arrived hours earlier.

She scowled when little Ed said, "Yummy cookies!"

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