23 - Wishes

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Ted was interrupted from a meeting with his senior staff. When his assistant told him Mrs. Rodriguez was on the phone. He automatically feared a problem with his son.

"Mr. Calhoun, Mrs. Calhoun is planning a trip to New York with her gentleman friend. She's expecting me to stay with Edward for the rest of the week. When I told her she needed to speak to you, she said, she wasn't letting your... I prefer not to say it, near her son. She said she'd take him with her."

"When is she planning to leave and what exactly is it you prefer not to say?"

"She's picking him up from school."

Ted looked at his wristwatch. He had an hour. "What did she say?"


"Please." His impatience was growing.

"She used the word lover with cheap and the B word."

She was the bitch. "I'll expect you to work your normal hours the rest of the week. Thank you."

He called the school to ensure they didn't release Edward. He didn't want a public scene and was hoping to pick him up before his ex-wife.

As he drove to the school, Ted was glad he wore a suit rather than his work clothes. He needed his professional calm persona, the one Mia called Edward. His ex's insults were directed at Mia. Had she accused Mia of being his lover? Mia didn't deserve to get caught up in his drama.

When he entered the school, the headmaster was waiting for him.

"Mr. Calhoun." He motioned him to his office.

"I'd like to pick up my son now. I will tell his mother I have him to avoid the school becoming involved. She is attempting to violate our custody agreement by taking him out of state without my permission."

He nodded and picked up his phone. "I need Edward Calhoun for dismissal."

Edward paced the hallway until he saw his son. The boy ran to him. "Hey champ! Surprise!"

He picked him up and carried him to his truck. Once inside, he called Elaine and informed her their son could stay with him while she went to New York. She put up a fight but relented after a sufficient amount of insults to both him and Mia.

"Leonard doesn't want a child on your getaway does he? A child without a nanny would be no fun."

"You don't know him."

"I know enough I don't want him with my son."

"But you're with that..."

"Watch what you say." He warned. "She has been nothing but kind to your son. Contrary to what you believe she is not my lover." His voice was soft because he didn't want to scare his son. "He will stay with me this week and anytime you go away."

He hung up before she could respond. Instead of going to his house, they went to see his mother. If Elaine wanted to fight him over his decision, she could do it in his family home.

When he didn't hear from her, he took his son for a walk. They wandered past the pool and he kept walking beyond the property line. He was drawn to Bea's garden.

He gave his son a coin and told him to make a wish. "But don't hit a fish."

He watched his little face turn serious before he threw his coin.

"Daddy's turn!"

He knew he was being selfish because he threw two coins and made two wishes. The first was to find his mystery woman, and the second was to keep his son away from Leonard.

Little Edward was unfazed by his stay with Ted. Mrs. Rodriguez was happy to care for him just as she always had. Ted shouldn't have been surprised when he returned home to find the nanny and his child next door. He knocked and let himself in.

Mrs. Rodriguez instantly stood up from the table where she was having tea with Mia.

"Mr. Calhoun, you're home!"

"Relax Mrs. Rodriguez. I can't stop him from coming over for cookies either."

The woman relaxed and as they left Mia called out. "Come by tomorrow afternoon, you can finish your story."

In the morning he left at the same time as his neighbor. He had to adjust his early morning start time because of Mrs. Rodriguez's hours.

"What story did I interrupt?"

He hid his concern, although he feared his employee was talking about his private business.

"Relax, she wasn't talking about you. She was telling me how she met her late husband. It's sad they could never have children."

He didn't reply as he climbed into his truck. Mia knew the woman a day and Ted had known her for over four years and didn't know her husband had passed away. He felt every bit the man Mia called Edward.

Elaine stayed away a week, and she immediately planned more trips.

"I won't miss the foundation's ball," she added.

One morning, he was leaving the job site when he had a call from Mia. They knocked on each other's doors but hadn't phoned.


"Sorry to bother you, but I have a leaky pipe in my bathroom. I'm at work and concerned the bucket won't last. I don't know a plumber."

"You were right to call. I'll make sure it gets fixed."

Ted stopped home to assess the situation before calling the plumber. It was possible it was an easy fix. He used his key to enter her apartment. It felt strange to be there without her, as if he was invading her personal space.

Unsure of which bathroom, he checked each one saving the ensuite for last. Her room was tidy with her bed made. He remembered her comment about cleaning for the housekeeper.

He heard the dripping when he entered the bathroom. The drip was where the faucet connected to the water source. He turned the knob to shut off the water. It probably just needed tightening, and he had brought a wrench in case it was that simple. He tightened the connection and turned the water back on and waited to ensure the dripping had stopped.

Once confident he resolved the problem, his thoughts turned to an important meeting he had scheduled. He was preoccupied and almost didn't notice it, but hanging on the wall of her bedroom was the object that had haunted his dreams.

The mask was exactly as he remembered. It was even missing a ribbon, the one he had picked up off the ground. Could it be? How did he not know? Was she really right in front of him all this time? She knew it was him but never said. Knowing her dislike of people with his wealth, did it include him?

He stared at the mask. It must have meant something if she kept it and hung it on her wall. All the time she knew it was him. Suddenly her bedroom felt far too intimate.

He did what he did best, he blocked out his confusing thoughts and focused on business. He would be Edward and push Ted and the memory of kissing in the garden to the back of his mind.

By the time he finally finished his meetings and arrived home it was late. He was hoping to avoid Mia, but she heard him come home.

"My leak is fixed. Thank you."

He looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. His eyes found her lips. They were full and he could remember how they felt moving on his.

"Are you okay?"

He pulled his eyes up to meet hers. "I'm tired. Long day."

"You aren't getting sick again?"

He shook his head. He saw something in her eyes. Was it more than concern? Did she have feelings for him?

Feeling the pull of his gaze back to her lips, he thought it was best to retreat. "Goodnight Ms. Reilly."

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