Finale decision. Thank you!

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Hey guys!

First of all, thank you for all the positive comments I received from the previous announcement few days ago. Thank you for all the supports, all the comments, the loves, and everything you have said. I really really really appreciate them.

So, it has been more than three days.. I guess? From all the comments you guys give, all of you don't want me to unpublish this book as you guys said, this book is so good, your favorite, and does not same like the one I have mentioned before (Our Secret).

Honestly, I have reread —to compare this book and Our Secret these past few days. To open my mind and heart to my own book. To my own work. Try to convince myself that this is my work. And to remind myself that I didn't plagiarized anyone's work cause it doesn't same like 100% or even 90% at most. I should've been grateful because so many people like my work and never complain about how the main issues of both books are almost the same.

So, here I am once again. Come back with new spirit to tell you guys, I will not unpublished this book. This is my first work so I have to cherish it. I have to keep it. Let everyone read how my first work success and why every single person who love ForthBeam like this story.

Well, yeah. Thanks for all the supports guys. Please keep supporting me guys.

Never been given more loving and unconditional support than I have been given by you guys. I love you guys ❤

I write to make people happy and make them live by their imaginations of Boys Love.

Xoxo: 지아 (Jia)

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