3) Matthew

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The gorgeous boy with the brown eyes met my gaze and walked over. I started to panic again, did my hair look okay? Why was I worrying about these kind of things! He continued strolling towards me and stopped right infront. 

'Hey Cassie, I'm Matthew! It's great to meet you and to be here in London! I get a little fed up of Toronto sometimes!'

Even his voice was beautiful. I tried to think of a cool or witty reply but then I realised I had been stood there in silence for over 20 seconds so I quickly spoke back.

'Hey there Matthew! Sorry, I zoned out a little there. How can you not love Toronto! The things I'd do to even just visit there! London's not all that great, but we will have to take you around to see some cool stuff one day!' There. I played it cool. Hopefully he doesn't think i'm weird.

'Yeah, we're all over here for 6 weeks so that'd be great!' He hastily replied.

Atticus and Cam called Matthew over before I could reply and he started to walk away as Flo walked my way.

'Oh and cool jacket by the way!!!!' He enthusiastically whispered to me as he walked away.

I knew it was a good choice to wear it! Flo came over and we chatted for a while, ate some pizza with the guys and I got to know them better while Flo reminisced memories with Cam. 

I really had a brilliant first night to our half term break, hanging out with people other than our usual crowd of annoying girls and immature boys was great. I could tell this was going to be a great six weeks. 

My dad refused to come and pick me up from Flo's as it wasn't dark outside, so I had to trek home myself. Brilliant. It was only a five minute journey but I knew I'd be upset as soon as I left, being jealous of Florence at home with her cool new friends! I was just about to leave when someone grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled me back slightly. I turned around and was shocked to see Matthew with his coat and shoes on. 

'Hey Cass, I can call you that right?'

I quickly interrupted his next few words to tell him he could call me Cass.

'Well anyway, I was going to offer to walk you home? I know it's not fun walking by yourself, and I'd love to get to know you a little more' 

Inside I jumped around, I was so happy! But of course, I had to play it cool on the outside.

'Wow Matthew that's so kind, I would love for you to walk me home' 

Matthew opened the door and waited for me to walk out first, we shouted our goodbyes to Flo, Cam and Atticus and headed for my house.

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